Vienna Xmas market boss is a Muslim who is an Advent fan

General News

The man in charge of Christmas in Vienna is a Muslim who has urged fellow Muslims to enjoy the traditional Christian festival. Akan Keskin, 55, has been in charge of the Vienna Christmas markets since 2005 and every year spends months in advance planning every detail of the traditional Christian festival. And once the event […]

School boy encouraged to jump over fire

General News

 A boy has ended up in hospital after his teacher encouraged him to jump over a fire whilst on a school trip. What began as a light-hearted solstice celebration ended with the 15-year-old being severely injured. The teacher from Rudolf-Steiner school in Vienna, Austria, reportedly encouraged Jakob to leap over a fire leaving him so […]

IT community denies CIA order

General News

A Viennese internet and research group has rubbished reports it has been “personally assigned” by US President Barack Obama to create a “bug-proof internet” for the CIA. Newspaper Heute claimed earlier this week that an Austrian firm called FunkFeuer agreed to construct the top-level security system for the USA’s national intelligence agency. The free sheet […]

Doc ‘took pictures of patients’ genitals’

General News

A doctor is suspected of having taken pictures of female patients’ private parts, according to a Viennese newspaper.Free daily paper Heute reported today (Fri) that the physician is accused in a letter to health authorities of having photographed women’s genitals. It is also claimed that the man molested female staff at the Wilhelminen Hospital in […]

‘EastEnders’ cellar kids hoax fools press

General News

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has vehemently denied that an “EastEnders” character has caged “Austrian-style kids in an Austrian-style cellar” since he joined the series more than 20 years ago.Viennese newspaper Heute labelled the allegedly upcoming storyline as “a disgusting bid to allure viewers” yesterday (Thurs), while British newsdesks consider the apparently leaked BBC-internal e-mails […]

Koloman Moser masterpiece disappeared en route to UK

General News

A painting bought in an auction in Vienna for more than 100,000 Euros was stolen during transport to the United Kingdom, it has been reported.Viennese newspaper Heute reports today (Tues) that a self portrait by late Austrian artist Koloman Moser has been reported as missing. The painting was purchased by a London-based man for 116,200 […]

‘Scary’ Saint Nicolas banned

General News

A kindergarten in Vienna has decided to shut the door on Nikolaus.Michaela Müller-Wenzel of the the Kinderfreunde kindergarten in Favoriten district said today (Thurs) that they had agreed that Saint Nicolas will only wander through its garden while the children wave to him from inside.Speaking to Viennese daily Heute, Müller-Wenzel said she and her colleagues […]

Vienna woman locked away by husband for months

General News

A 22-year-old Viennese locked away his wife for more than seven months, it has emerged.Mario Hejl, a spokesman for police in the capital, confirmed a report by daily Heute today (Thurs). Hejl explained: “Vienna police deliberately decided not to make the case public since it was considered unsuitable.”The spokesman said the suspect had been arrested […]

Schmied shamed by spending spree revelation


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Education Minister Claudia Schmied is in hot water for splashing out more than 350,000 Euros on ads in a Viennese tabloid in less than two years.A parliamentary request by Freedom Party (FPÖ) MP Walter Rosenkranz forced the education ministry to announce that it had spent 365,271.56 Euros on “information campaigns” in free […]