‘Scary’ Saint Nicolas banned

A kindergarten in Vienna has decided to shut the door on Nikolaus.Michaela Müller-Wenzel of the the Kinderfreunde kindergarten in Favoriten district said today (Thurs) that they had agreed that Saint Nicolas will only wander through its garden while the children wave to him from inside.Speaking to Viennese daily Heute, Müller-Wenzel said she and her colleagues realised last year that some kids were scared of the “impressive appearance” of the bearded man who traditionally brings sweets, fruits and nuts to youngsters in most areas of German-speaking Europe on 5 or 6 December.The Nikolaus visiting the Kinderfreunde kindergarten will, however, not enter its main rooms but leave after putting presents in children’s shoes in the wardrobe.Heute reports that many parents are outraged about the news. They claim their kids were not frightened by ghostly goings-on at the nursery’s recent Halloween party.