Fighting Dogs Repackaged As Elderly Carers

General News

Politicians in Austria where animal shelters are overflowing with so-called dangerous dogs are mulling over plans to put the fighting dogs into OAP care homes in a bid to rehabilitate the animals. The ‘Animals as Therapy’ group in want pit bulls and Staffordshire Terriers to be trained as therapy dogs, which could then become companions […]

Baroness’ Rottweiler attack leaves boy in hospital

General News

A boy in Burgenland has been rushed to hospital after having been bitten in the head by a Baroness’ two rottweilers. The nine year-old boy, Adrian-Arne W, had emergency surgery to the ear, after the two dogs being set upon by the two dogs at a Schloss in Bruckneudorf in Neusiedel am See. The boy […]

New cafe opens in Vienna

Culinary Guide

Cakes, biscuits and pastries like just those Mami makes are for everyone – including dogs – and can be enjoyed at the newly opened Mami’s Moehspeis in the Margareten district of Vienna. Daniela Sattler, 34, and her husband came up with the idea of a cafe for all whilst on holiday. Sattler said: “We just […]

Greens not hygenic


Dogs are not banned at the Freedom Party headquarters in St Pölten in Lower-Austria – but members of the green party are according to a sign on the front door of their office. But the move intended as a joke has not been welcomed by the Green party members who accused the FPÖ of sinking […]

Wuff guide


A hotel for dogs that offers a menu of freshly cooked gourmet food, doggy  sun loungers and swimming pools and special fitness rooms for four-legged friends has opened in Carinthia in Austria. Owner Friederike Zaubek said that her dachshund Alfi there had been a permanent guest had always seemed to be so happy at the […]

Dog checks stepped up in Vienna

General News

Dog owners in Vienna are being targeted by police in the city over the next two weeks to check their pets are licensed and being properly walked. In recent years a whole spate of tough new regulations governing the way dogs are looked after has been introduced in the capital city. Now Vienna police officers […]

Dog attacks owner’s mum after walk

General News

A Styrian woman had to undergo surgery after she was bitten by her son’s dog. The American Pit Bull Terrier ripped off a chunk of the woman’s lower lip on Wednesday, police in Gleisdorf said yesterday (Thurs). Officials said the woman and her son had taken the animal for a walk shortly before the incident […]

Vienna man hospitalised after attempt to end dogfight

General News

A 46-year-old man suffered serious injuries when he tried to separate fighting dogs in Vienna yesterday afternoon (Sun).The resident of the city was going for a walk with two friends and their dogs, an American Stafford Terrier and a Bullmastiff, at the Prater park. The canines’ playing around soon turned into an aggressive fight. Both […]

Police take man’s 27 dogs

General News

Police raided a house after an anonymous local reported its owner for keeping 27 dogs in poor conditions.Officials in Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria, said today (Weds) the animals were well-nourished, but added that the conditions they were kept in were rated as inappropriate by animal experts from a nearby dog shelter.Authorities are now […]

Woman found living with 49 dogs

General News

A woman faces charges for torturing animals after police found her living with 49 dogs.Police and animal experts visited 36-year-old Margit P., who runs a charity organisation for puppies, yesterday (Tues) after neighbours informed officials of the horrific conditions the dogs were forced to live in at her estate in Kienings near Zwettl in Lower […]