Dog checks stepped up in Vienna

Dog owners in Vienna are being targeted by police in the city over the next two weeks to check their pets are licensed and being properly walked.

In recent years a whole spate of tough new regulations governing the way dogs are looked after has been introduced in the capital city.

Now Vienna police officers are working together with the city veterinary officials to try and force the rules and make sure they are being properly carried out.

And it is not something to be taken lightly – fines can total up to 14,000 Euros.

The checks are including whether or not the animal has a microchip – whether it is being kept on the lead which is law within the city boundaries and also whether the animals have got a muzzle – also compulsory.

Anyone owning a so-called dangerous dog also has to take a dog licence to show they understand the care and dangers of their pet. Currently around 4,300 dog owners in Vienna have taken the licence.

The areas targeted are the most common problem zones including the Wienerberg, Prater and the Donauinsel.

Environment Councillor Ulli Sima (SPÖ) said: “These are the areas we know where the most conflicts happen and that’s why we’re controlling those particularly well.”

By a similar event last year 460 people were issued with warnings and there were 200 cases that warranted being taken to court. Most of those were for people who had their dogs running freely.