Spanish Riding School honoured by UNESCO


Vienna’s Spanish Riding School has been put on the list of Austrian immaterial cultural objects by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).Maria Walcher from the Austrian UNESCO committee for immaterial cultural values said today (Fri): “It is a matter of a ritual, traditional craft, oral tradition and timeless knowledge in relation to protection […]

Muse to headline Frequency Festival


British rock superstars Muse will head the bill at this year’s Frequency Festival, it was announced today (Thurs).Organisers said they had signed the award-winning trio to perform at the open air event taking place at St. Pölten’s Green Park from 19 to 21 August.English rock band Skunk Anansie, who reformed last year, will also perform […]

‘AIDS 2010’ will have EE focus


Organisers of the International AIDS Conference to be held in Vienna later this year said the event’s focus would be on marginalised groups with the disease like drug addicts in Eastern Europe (EE).Michel Sidibe, head of UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, said yesterday (Weds) that the conference would be held “for people […]

Vienna night underground service to begin on 4 September

General News

The new all-night underground service on Fridays and Saturdays will begin on Saturday, 4 September, it was announced today (Thurs).Vienna Social Democratic (SPÖ) Deputy Mayor Renate Brauner and Günter Steinbauer, the manager of city public transport agency Wiener Linien, said trains would be spaced at 15 minute intervals during night time service.He said the new […]

Sepp Resch is Lenze’s new GM


The Austrian subsidiary of German transmission and automation specialist Lenze announced today (Thurs) that Sepp Resch would be its new general manager for Austria and Eastern Europe.Resch, 49, has been the head of international automation firm Cegelec.Lenze said Resch’s focus in his new job would be maximisation of growth potential.Lenze Austria, based in Asten near […]

Szene Wien cancels concert linked to neo-Nazis


A neo-Nazi gig has been cancelled after club bosses found out the orientation of the groups’ music.Szene Wien music club chief Josef “Muff” Sopper said he had booked four bands for the Black Metal concert on 29 March through a foreign organiser but backtracked when he found out who he had lined up. He said: […]

Trainer claims dogs can sniff out lung cancer


A former police dog trainer claims he has a pack of hounds with noses so sensitive they can sniff out lung cancer in patients.Wolfgang Gleichweit from Zeltweg, Styria, said his animals could detect minute traces of gasses given off by tumours in their earliest stages and particles of cancer-inducing compounds like Benzene breathed out from […]

Drunk visits cop shop with a kilo of explosives

General News

A drunk man carrying 1.1 kilos of explosives showed up at a police station in Saalfelden, Salzburg, on Tuesday night demanding to speak to officers and ‘spill the beans’.The 25-year-old told startled cops he would “name names” and tell them where more of the explosive, an industrial product called “Gelatine-Donarit,” was stashed if they revoked […]

Lower Austria ‘invested €40 mn in disgraced Madoff fund’


Lower Austria has invested 40 million Euros in disgraced American Bernard Madoff’s Alpha Prime fund, says a report in today’s (Thurs) Der Standard newspaper.Der Standard said that Fibeg, the provincial investment office, had invested the money with Madoff on 30 June 2008.Madoff, who had been running a giant Ponzi scheme for years, went belly up […]

Nazi era mass grave discovered in Graz

General News

The bodies of 77 people were probably buried by the Nazis on the grounds of Graz’ Belgier barracks, where the Nazi SS’ Wetzelsdorf barracks was located, it emerged yesterday (Weds).Social Democratic (SPÖ) Defence Minister Norbert Darabos presented news of the finding yesterday.Historian Dieter Binder, the chairman of the military history memorial commission, said the victims […]