Fewer forged Euro notes spotted in 2010

General News

Fewer than 9,000 fake Euro banknotes were confiscated in Austria last year, helping the country to remain among the Eurozone members with the lowest forgery rate.The Austrian National Bank (OeNB) announced yesterday (Mon) that 8,812 forged Euro notes were discovered and banned last year, down from 9,780 in the previous year. It added that the […]

Cutting EU subsidies would be counterproductive, warns Hahn


European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn has appealed to colleagues to “think three times” before slashing subsidies for the European Union’s (EU) weaker economies.The People’s Party (ÖVP) politician said today (Thurs): “The EU’s regional policy measures are an important aspect in creating growth. That’s why it would be counter productive to cut subsidies – […]

Vienna Philharmonic star dies in Japan hike

General News

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra are deeply shocked after the death of one of their members during a hiking trip in Japan yesterday (Weds).The world-famous orchestra announced today that 41 year old contrabassist Georg Straka fell down a 400-metre ravine after slipping on an icy surface during an expedition on the 3,776-metre Fuji Mountain.The […]

Former BZÖ members plan to run in Vienna vote with new party


The crisis of the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) seems to continue with members of its Vienna branch founding a new party.Christian Neubacher, provincial manager of the FBZ – Freies Bündnis Zukunft (Free Alliance for the Future) party said today (Tues) the new party was set up last month and had 35 members […]

Szene Wien cancels concert linked to neo-Nazis


A neo-Nazi gig has been cancelled after club bosses found out the orientation of the groups’ music.Szene Wien music club chief Josef “Muff” Sopper said he had booked four bands for the Black Metal concert on 29 March through a foreign organiser but backtracked when he found out who he had lined up. He said: […]

Facebook group shut as users call for Nazi camp reopening

General News

A Facebook group calling for the “reopening” of Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen was taken offline after winning more than 13,000 members, officials have said.Political scientist Markus Rachbauer said members of the group called “Child abusers, we’ll reopen Mauthausen for you!” belittled Nazi era crimes.”People posting messages there called for torture and murder,” he said.Facebook user […]