Vienna to reduce car traffic

Green Austria

Trips taken on public transport, by bike or on foot will account for 80% of all trips made in Vienna by 2025 if the city’s Urban Development Plan goes through as planned. The announcement was made by Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou (Green) on Wednesday, who emphasised that traffic was a key feature of the plan […]

Jackson Fans Get Memorial To Hero


A statue to Michael Jackson has gone on display in the middle of a tiny Austrian town so that fans can have a tribute to their hero. Councillors in Mistelbach in a wine growing region north of the Austrian capital Vienna approved the request by two local women for the 30 foot statue which will […]

Saw Foot

Green Austria

Jobless Austrian Hans Url  almost died after he cut off his own foot and threw it in an oven so he could continue to claim unemployment benefits. The 56-year-old long term jobless man had been in a row with local job centre staff (AMS) at Mitterlabill at Feldbach in southern Austria after they told him […]

Dog days for clumsy Arnautovic


Werder Bremen star Marko Arnautovic will be sidelined for more than a month after injuring his knee while playing with his dog. The Austrian national team striker’s club announced yesterday (Thurs) that the 22-year-old could be ruled out for six weeks. Arnautovic reportedly fell over in his garden after getting stuck with his foot on […]

Toothpick removed from foot after 10 years

General News

Doctors at a hospital in Vorarlberg are accused of suggesting a young woman was mad – before realising they missed a toothpick that had been stuck in her foot for years.The 26-year-old consulted doctors at the clinic in Feldkirch several times to ask for help regarding the agonising pains in her right foot. Doctors decided […]

Farmer set to serve jail term commits suicide

General News

A Carinthian farmer shot himself dead instead of starting a 200-day prison term, it has emerged.The Oberlienz resident left his farm on foot yesterday (Tues) shortly before a special Cobra police unit surrounded the estate to pick him up after he failed to turn up at Villach prison.He was due to spend 200 days behind […]