74 million plus doubted


The 74 million Euro surplus in Salzburg’s finances presented by state finance chef David Brenner last week has raised doubt amongst experts and party leaders. The main critic from experts is that no one knows how much was paid for the paperwork or just how much Salzburg will be able to step out of the […]

Salzburg tourism on the rise


The city of Salzburg is more popular than ever with tourists from all around the world new figures have shown. The figures from Salzburg tourist officials show that 12 per cent more tourists spent an overnight stay in Salzburg in April 2012 than in April 2011. To date the record year of Salzburg tourism was […]

Fight against firms’ tax evasion to intensify


The government wants to crack down on illegal companies. Nineteen people were found guilty of various business crimes after being exposed by a special task force since April 2010. The investigative group of police officers, experts on cross-country corruption and labour market developments was established by Social Democratic (SPÖ) Labour Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer to keep […]

Government wants to tax Liechtenstein foundations


The Austrian government is cracking down on another alleged safe haven for private equity. Only last week, Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Maria Fekter met with Swiss Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf to finalise a tax treaty between the neighbouring countries. The agreement means that Austrians’ money in Switzerland would be charged with tax rates […]

Austrian wines to feature heavily at German trade fair


Some 348 Austrian wine producers and experts will exhibit at Germany’s biggest wine fair in March. Wine growers, cooperatives and wine and sekt producers will take part in the “Pro Wein” event from 4 to 6 March in Dusseldorf. The International Trade Fair of Wines and Spirits entitled “Pro Wein” in Germany is an event […]

Workers discover WWII bomb

General News

Explosives experts of the Federal Crime Office (BK) were called after employees found a bomb at a company estate in Vienna. The discovery was made in Vienna’s Donaustadt district yesterday afternoon (Mon), police said today. Officials remained tight-lipped over whether the object – identified as a World War Two (WWII) aerial bomb – could have […]

Basel III fears over positive bankruptcy trend


The Austrian economy seems to reassert itself, new figures presented by a creditors’ protection organisation show. The Creditors’ Protection Association of 1870 (KSV) said today (Weds) that 1,672 companies declared bankruptcy in the first half of this year. This is a three per cent decrease compared to the first six months of 2010, according to […]

Troops called in to scare storks with eye contact

Green Austria

Austrian troops ordered into action to stop a colony of storks from forcing the closure of an air show have been banned from using their guns – and told to stare at the birds instead. The soldiers were ordered in after experts had failed using a variety of other methods to drive away the 25 […]

Water’s lithium rate may affect suicide rate

General News

High amounts of lithium in tap water could keep the suicide rate low, a new study suggests.Researchers of Vienna’s Medical University (MedUni) found out that many areas with comparably higher amounts of the chemical element in tap water – which can be consumed across Austria – have a lower suicide rate than areas with less.The […]

Burnout to pounce on many judges, survey shows


One in five Austrian judges is at risk of suffering from burnout, a study has concluded.The survey – carried out by the ARGE Burnout group and experts of the Medical University in Graz, Styria – was presented today (Thurs). Researchers questioned more than 700 judges.The investigation shows that around 20 per cent are threatened by […]