Veggies suffer more health problems say Graz researchers

General News

Vegetarians are more likely to suffer from allergies, cancer and mental problems including depression and phobias. The wide-ranging study on diet and health was carried out by the Institute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology (IFES) at the Medical University (Med-Uni) in Graz, Austria. Study coordinator and epidemiologist Nathalie Burkert said that it had been a […]

Tax fraud whistleblower says Innsbruck prosecutors hid data


Klaus Lins from Feldkirch, Vorarlberg (Western Austria), indirectly passed on documents of tax fugitives to German authorities in 1997. He stated in an interview with the magazine “trend” that the public prosecutor’s office of Innsbruck possibly sheltered these documents. The public prosecutor’s office of Innsbruck has possibly been sheltering documents about Austrian tax fugitives for […]

Politician caught having sex in forest

General News

A debate about the use of forest cameras has erupted after an unnamed Austrian politician was caught on camera having sex in a forest by a camera fixed up to monitor local wildlife. Luckily for the politician his blushes have been spared as the pictures have not been released in the Austrian province of Carinthia. […]

SPÖ suggests ‘list of tax evasion shame’


Social Democratic (SPÖ) General Secretary Günther Kräuter has said the possible publication of a “list of disgrace” to increase the pressure on tax dodgers has his party’s unequivocal support. Kräuter told broadcaster ORF yesterday evening (Tues) he backed the idea of Labour Chamber (AK) officials. Leading AK members said Austria should follow the example of […]

US activist issues final PNR warning


A human rights activist has highlighted the consequences an expected agreement between the European Union (EU) and the USA will have on travellers’ personal rights. US campaigner Edward Hasbrouck said speaking to the Kurier that the so-called Passenger Name Record (PNR) regulation – on which the EU and the United States are set to agree […]

Waiting for Google data centre in Upper Austria


The Upper Austrian municipality of Kronstorf is waiting for search engine giant Google to start building a data centre for which Google had bought 75 hectares of land three years ago. National broadcaster ORF reported that the decision to build at Kronstorf was made by Google partly because the company wants to use only renewable […]

Hackers steal WKO data

General News

The Austrian Economy Chamber (WKO) has become the latest victim of a hacking attack. WKO confirmed yesterday evening (Tues) that its webserver was infiltrated by unidentified cyber criminals. More than 6,000 data sets of customers of the chamber were published on the internet. Most of the records contain information about clients of WKO’s real estate […]

Hackers attack public medical insurer

General News

A group of hackers who had previously attacked the websites of political parties reportedly obtained information on thousands of insurance customers. Anonymous Austria, the Austrian department of an internationally operating network of hackers, claimed yesterday (Weds) they got hold of data containing information about thousands of clients of Tyrol’s public health insurance company TGKK. The […]

Hackers published personal data of 25,000 police officials

General News

An Austrian hackers group has published the names and home addresses of 24,938 police officials sparking fears that many could be targeted by criminals. Police say the data published by the Austrian branch of the global hacker collective „Anonymous”, known as AnonAustria contained private information for officials ranging from beat officers through to senior commanders. […]

ORF hack attack worse than feared


Hackers nicked significantly more data from a subsidiary of Austrian broadcaster ORF than officials initially admitted, it has emerged. A spokesman for GIS, the ORF’s radio and TV fee agency, announced today (Tues) 214,000 customer data sets were stolen in the attack last week. He added that 96,000 of the data featured clients’ bank account […]