Museum opts for ball control after naked men row


A museum has covered up hundreds of huge posters showing three naked footballers advertising an exhibition celebrating nude men in art. The full frontal poster – showing an image called Vive La France by artists Pierre & Gilles – sparked hundreds of complaints in Vienna, Austria. One angry local threatened to paint over the model’s […]

Viva reveals Austrian visions


A German music television broadcaster has disclosed plans to introduce Austrian contents. Viva officials said yesterday (Weds) they wanted to add more music by Austrian artists to the programme soon. The plan is to set up Viva Austria, a specialised programme which screens Austrian chart shows on the same channel as Viva. Around 15 per […]

Bees latest exhibit at the Secession

Green Austria

A swarm of 15,000 bees from the Austrian Mostviertel region have been moved to a new home – the roof of Austrian iconic art gallery the Secession. The bees join the growing number of city bees under the control of the inner-city beekeepers. The hive was sponsored by the Erste Foundation which decided to back […]

Jacko monument planned


A small town in Lower Austria could become a pilgrimage site for fans of the late “King of Pop”. Two residents of Mistelbach explained yesterday (Weds) they asked the town hall to give the green light to their ambition of setting up a statue of Michael Jackson. The council will decide on the request next […]

Strong performance by Leopold Museum in poll


More than seven in 10 visitors of Vienna’s Leopold Museum have rated the institution with the highest grade in recent research. Around 1,000 visitors were interviewed as part of a study by market analyst Sensor. Seventy-two per cent of people who attended the Leopold Museum said they found it “excellent,” the institution’s managers announced today […]

15 Artists for 15 Wines


Fifteen Austrian artists came together at the Dominikanerbastei in Vienna this week as part of a unique new project where they are being exhibited together and promoted by the Klasan Advertising Agency. The agency is located at the site of the former Bleich-Rossi gallery  in the city’s poshest district that was snapped up last year […]

Vienna meets Chicago in the global backyard


Vienna-based artist Petronilla Hohenwarter is travelling to Chicago this October to take part in the art project Artists Respond Globally (ARG).The project pairs artists in Chicago with international artists from South Africa, Malaysia, Brazil, Austria, Bulgaria, France and Germany, who then work together remotely. The project finishes with an exhibition in Chicago in October 2011.ARG […]

Anger as artist gets ready for ‘chick jump’


Animal activists are up in arms over a Viennese performance artist’s announcement to jump into a basin of fledglings.Artist Renfah said today (Fri) he planned to hurl himself into a glass container of 10,000 male chicks which would be turned into food immediately after birth at his studio in Wieden district next Wednesday (8 September).A […]

Cerha to get Salzburg gong


Friedrich Cerha will be honoured with the 2011 Salzburg Music Prize, it has emerged.The 84-year-old composer and conductor – who received the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art in 2005 – is the third artist after Salvatore Sciarrino and Klaus Huber – to get the award which includes a prize money of 60,000 Euros.The three-member […]

Vienna Philharmonic on board for Baltic Sea cruise


The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is taking some of the world’s best classical music artists on a cruise tour this summer.Orchestra head Clemens Hellsberg said he had decided to set up the journey after the first trip two years ago was a massive hit with fans of classical music.Conductors Valery Gergiev and Christian Thielemann, pianist Rudolf […]