AUA passenger numbers up sharply


Austrian Airlines (AUA) seems to be back on the road to recovery as it continues to serve more and more customers.AUA said today (Mon) it had 1.1 million passengers last month, up by 11.2 per cent year on year. The airline – which was taken over by Lufthansa last year after it was on the […]

Poor interest rates mean Austrians save less


A growing number of Austrians see no sense in saving money due to less attractive interest rates, a survey has shown.Market and opinion research company IMAS said today (Mon) 41 per cent of Austrians considered saving money as “very important”, down by eight per cent year on year.IMAS also found that Austrians save an average […]

Fekter under fire as eight-year-old twins deported


People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Maria Fekter is in hot water after she called the deportation of eight-year-old twin sisters “correct and family-adequate”.Dozens of officers from the special police unit WEGA on Wednesday surrounded the refugee home in Vienna as Dorentinya, Daniela and their dad Augustin awaited the decision about whether they were allowed to […]

Ramadan diminishes August overnight results


Ramadan has been identified as the main reason for a dramatic decline of overnight stays by guests from the Arabian region last August.Klaus Ehrenbrandtner, Middle East market manager of the Austria Marketing (ÖW), said today (Fri) there had been a 43.3 per cent drop in overnights by tourists from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates […]

Dramatic increase of online crimes

General News

Cyber crime has been identified as posing a growing threat to Austrians.Federal Crime Office (BK) chief Gerhard Lang said today (Thurs) the number of internet fraud and abuse cases has soared from just 22 in the first nine months of 2009 to 1,074 in the same period of this year.Lang explained cases of stalking and […]

Dog bites off owner’s lip

General News

A 36-year-old woman had a chunk of her upper lip bitten off by her own dog, it has emerged.The Bad Ischl resident had opened the boot of her car to let out her Bernese Mountain Dog when it suddenly attacked her on Tuesday.The Upper Austrian underwent surgery at a local clinic. It has not been […]

FlyNiki gets busier between Vienna and Sofia


FlyNiki ups its efforts to outdo rivals Austrian Airlines (AUA) and Bulgaria Air as it launched a second daily connection between Vienna and Sofia earlier this week.The Vienna-based company headed by Niki Lauda announced today (Thurs) it was now offering two flights a day between the Austrian and Bulgarian capital. FlyNiki has been offering one […]

Neckermann struggles as Quelle relaunch ahead


Mail order company Neckermann Versand Österreich AG suffered losses of more than eight million Euros last year, according to reports from today (Weds).Viennese newspaper Der Standard claims the firm – a subsidiary of German mail order giant Neckermann – also suffered a four million Euro year on year decline in turnover to 84 million Euros […]

Nine-year-olds put in custody pending deportation

General News

NGOs are outraged after two nine-year-old children were put into custody pending deportation this morning (Weds).Karin Klaric of NGO Purple Sheep, who advises the Kosovar family, announced today the sisters and their father were taken away from their home in Vienna from immigration authorities around 6am. She added the stunned trio had no chance to […]

SPÖ makes shock U-turn on conscription


Leading Social Democrats (SPÖ) have spoken out in favour of a referendum about conscription in what is regarded as a sensational U-turn on the issue.SPÖ Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl suggested yesterday (Mon) people should decide on whether young Austrians should still have to serve in the army. Around 25,000 men aged 18 or 19 receive […]