Crocs-wearing hiker hospitalised in Tyrol

General News

Mountain rescue authorities have reprimanded a hiker for wearing Crocs shoes after she had to be rescued by helicopter.Officials in Tyrol said today (Fri) the German tourist slipped and fell during a trip at the Karwendel mountain region in near Achenkirch in Schwaz district.Rescuers had to transfer the 54-year-old to a local hospital in a […]

Wedding guest survives 100-metre plunge

General News

A 30-year-old man escaped with minor injuries after plunging 100 metres from the wall of a fortress in Salzburg on Saturday night.The man was at a wedding ceremony at the Kapuziner Schlößl castle at the city’s Kapuzinerberg hill when he slipped and fell around 100 metres after climbing the castle’s wall. He was rescued by […]

Grasser says Greece rescue was ‘worst decision’


Former Freedom Party (FPÖ) Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser has branded the rescue plan for ailing Greece the “biggest mistake of the European Monetary Union”.Grasser said in a newspaper interview today (Tues) he would have forced the economically struggling country to leave the Eurozone. This term describes the 16 European Union (EU) member states which have […]

BZÖ attacks government for helping ‘money sink’ Greece


Austrian opposition politicians have criticised the government for deciding to financially support “money sink” Greece.Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher said in parliament yesterday (Weds): “European leaders have failed. They have now agreed to assist ‘money sink’ Greece while not mentioning anything about a tax on risky financial speculations.”Bucher claimed the […]

OeNB chief welcomes EU’s Greece agreement


Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Governor Ewald Nowotny said the rescue plan agreement “defused” the situation of cash-strapped Greece.Nowotny met with Austrian President Heinz Fischer today (Tues) to inform him about recent developments on the Austrian and European financial market.The OeNB boss said afterwards, referring to the rescue plan European Union (EU) leaders had agreed about […]

Quiet Easter weekend on Lower Austrian roads

General News

Almost 1,500 traffic accidents happened over the Easter weekend in Lower Austria.Officials however said today (Mon) the holidays had been “relatively quiet” as far as the number of car crashes was concerned.Stefan Spielbichler, a spokesman for rescue officials in Austria’s biggest province, said no one had died on Lower Austrian roads since Good Friday.The Federal […]

Avalanche victim found alive after two hours

General News

An Innsbruck woman survived an avalanche yesterday (Thurs) after heavy, wet snow buried her entire body, leaving only a small air hole for her to breathe through.The woman, 57, was ski touring alone in an area near Arlberg mountain, Tyrol, when she triggered an avalanche at 1pm that dragged her 200 metres and left her […]

Hut manager saves German skier’s life

General News

A woman on her way home from the mountain hut she was managing saved a 71-year-old German skier’s life yesterday (Thurs) near Kühtai, Tyrol.The man had fallen into deep snow while skiing off-piste and could not get up. The woman saw him, called rescuers and began to dig him out.An emergency doctor who arrived at […]

KfV issues thin ice warning


Austrians would be well advised to avoid skating on natural ice after a thaw, the Committee for Traffic Safety (KfV) said today (Fri).It warned the essential thing was to determine the thickness of natural ice before venturing onto it and it was sometimes possible to learn that by consulting local government offices.KfV advised people to […]

German skier found dead on edge of piste

General News

A German skier was found lying dead on the edge of a piste yesterday (Mon) at the Seekarspitz ski area in the Obertauern mountains in Salzburg province.Police said other skiers, including three doctors, and a rescue team had tried to vain to revive the man, 41. Rescuers took his body down to the valley floor.Police […]