Hotels cost most in Innsbruck according to study

General News

Hotels are more expensive in Innsbruck than in any other part of Austria according to a new study by the online booking portal The study also found that in general across the country Hotel prices have risen on the previous year by around 4.32%. In Innsbruck there are the highest prices as opposed to […]

Swap deals legal case gets underway


The civil case of the city of Linz, Upper Austria, against the Bawag bank about the swap deal will start on 24 May. The maximum amount of damage for Linz could be as much as 417 million Euros in the worst case. The city of Linz will send its financial director, the former state traffic […]

Kampusch: FBI Dossier to Reveal Police Cover Up

General News

A secret FBI report into police cover-ups over the kidnapping of cellar prison victim Natascha Kampusch is due to be made public this month (April). Austrian justice officials were forced to call in neutral investigators from the US agency after Natatscha’s father Ludwig Koch accused local police of a cover up because of political interference. […]

Euthanasia Doctor Brands Life Sentence a Farce

General News

An Austrian doctor has been jailed for life after he was accused of killing a patient that died when he was not even in the building. Surgeon Eugen Adelsmayr was back in his native Austria when the verdict was delivered in his absence, and he branded the ruling a shock. He said: “It is hard […]

Teachers too expensive


The Austrian state auditor has criticised the sharp increase in the cost of teachers in lower Austria. It said that with the teaching costs for compulsory schools alone the increase was around 21 percent. The report on teaching staff costs has now been presented to the regional government. According to the report the region has […]

ORF making waves

Green Austria

A report on ORF television in Vorarlberg about specially shaped waves designed to catch and deflect negative energy from ley lines has provoked a huge reaction. Dozens of people who have purchased the waves and had them mounted in their homes have since contacted the consumer protection office in Vorarlberg to ask about getting a […]

Wooden pizza chef theft flops

General News

Three Austrians could be prosecuted for theft in Germany after nicking a life-size figure at a pizzeria. The trio were part of a 30-member group of friends spending Wednesday’s Austrian National Holiday in neighbouring Bavaria. Online newspaper OVB quotes from a Berchtesgaden police report: “The trio had the grand idea to kidnap the wooden figure.” […]

Truck stopped over safety concerns

General News

A lorry driver was reprimanded for ignoring cargo safety rules.Police in the province of Salzburg said today (Tues) that tree trunks on the trailer of the truck from the German state of Bavaria were not secured with lashing straps or chains.Traffic police officers issued a report to provincial prosecutors after stopping the driver in Eugendorf […]

Landlord ‘nailed up tenants’ doors’

General News

A ruthless landlord boarded up the doors of several elderly tenants’ apartment, according to a report.The Kronen Zeitung reports today (Mon) that more and more victims of the Viennese businessman have come forward after having exposed his actions earlier this year.The daily newspaper accuses the man of nailing up the doors of apartments of tenants […]

Yodelling offends praying Muslims, say judges

General News

An Austrian has been fined for yodelling while mowing his lawn, according to a report.The Kronen Zeitung newspaper claims Helmut G. was told by a court in Graz, Styria, that his yodelling offended his next-door Muslim neighbours.The men reportedly accused the 63-year-old of having tried to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin. The […]