Biodegradable credit card launched in Austria

General News

An Austrian bank is now offering its customers a bank card made out of corn that is biodegradable once it is finished with. The idea is part of an environmental initiative by the Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) which includes not only biodegradable card but also packaging in which it is sent which is also […]

Media Markt test out womens areas in their shops


The electronics company Media Markt wants to create a new target group out of women. In Austria the company is now testing the integration of special shopping-zones for women. Since 40 per cent of their customers are women, they want to customize the shopping experience for them as well. With theme weeks and possibilities to […]

Catholic sceptics get Swiss accolade

General News

A critical Catholic movement from Austria has received a renowned award in Switzerland. The Austrian Preachers’ Initiative – which consists of 400 preachers – was decorated with this year’s Herbert Haag Prize. The presentation took place in the city of Lucerne. Hans Küng, one of Europe’s best-known critics of the Vatican, lauded the Austrian movement […]

Preachers’ Initiative head happy about Pope’s reaction

General News

The head of the Austrian Preachers’ Initiative has reacted positively to the Pope’s criticism. Pope Benedict XVI. said in his Maunday Thursday sermon held in Italian in the Vatican that disobedience was no solution. The Pope mentioned a “group of priests from a country in Europe” without directly referring to Helmut Schüller or his movement. […]

Pope condemns Austrian priests

General News

Pope Benedict XVI has sharply condemned a group of dissident Austrian priests and laymen for questioning key teachings of the Catholic Church. The group, known as the Pfarrer Initiative, has challenged the church on topics such as priestly celibacy and its ban on female priests. Speaking during a Maundy Thursday mass in the Vatican, the […]

Under-fire minister launches €7mn anti-unemployment project


The opposition has attacked the government over soaring unemployment figures as Labour Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer promises a multi-million Euro support initiative for women out of work. Freedom Party (FPÖ) General Secretary Harald Kickl claimed today (Weds) the coalition was not facing the reality as more than 300,000 people living in Austria had no job last […]

Healthy school snack bid presented


Health Minister Alois Stöger has presented an initiative aimed at tackling young Austrians’ unfavourable nutrition habits. The Social Democrat (SPÖ) announced yesterday (Weds) school canteen managers will be provided with free brochures and further guidelines on how to provide a healthy and balanced range of snacks and drinks to kids. Around one in 10 Austrian […]

Beckenbauer gives Austrian football youth a hand


Austrian football bosses have won Franz Beckenbauer to front a new initiative aiming to boost talented players.Federal Football Federation (ÖFB) chief Leo Windtner proudly presented the German football icon as ambassador of the new “Projekt12” campaign yesterday (Thurs). ÖFB officials hope that the project will give young talent a kick start in Austrian football before […]

Poor Austrians die sooner

General News

Impoverished Austrians have a significantly lower life expectancy, according to a charity.Siegfried Meryn’s “Nein zu arm und krank” (Say No to Poverty and Sickness) initiative ( reports that people with a monthly income of under 1,500 Euros die around four years earlier than the Austrian average.The organisation, which says poverty and diseases can form a […]

More checks but fewer drink-driving penalties

General News

Fewer drivers were charged for drink-driving last year than in 2009, it has been announced.The federal interior ministry, which is in charge of Austria’s police units, said today (Fri) that 37,519 drunken drivers were fined or reported to prosecutors in 2010. The ministry said that more than 41,100 drivers were caught breaching the Austrian legal […]