Salzburg coalition talks begin


A significant majority of the Green Party decided to start coalition talks with the ÖVP last evening (Wed). Negotiations about a new state government will start today. Team Stronach will also take part in the talks. The ÖVP, which got most votes in the elections of 5 May, invited the Green Party and Team Stronach […]

Vienna backs down over parking and offers 15 minutes free


The newspaper “Kurier” reported that the coalition of SPÖ and the Green Party in Vienna have decided to introduce a new free 15-minute parking ticket. It will be issued starting in September. Traffic councilor and vice mayor Maria Vassilakou (Green Party) kept her promise to examine the proposal of the driver’s clubs ÖAMTC and ARBÖ. […]

Cycle paths to be painted green


Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou (Green Party) wants to paint cycle paths in Vienna with a length of 1,223 km green. A test route along the Ringstrasse will be painted next week. Colourful cycle paths have been set up in cities like London and Munich. According to Maria Vassilakou, residents of Vienna will love it too. […]

Friday Night skating back on track

Green Austria

The Green Party invites Viennese residents to join the regular “Friday Night Skating” during the nights of the summer months. The participants, including cyclists, will skate out from Heldenplatz from 9 p.m. and go along Ringstrasse, Triesterstrasse or Südosttangente. Affected streets will be closed for car traffic. The police and several “Rolling Guards” will look […]

Victory for the SPÖ in Carinthia


The Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) won the regional elections in Carinthia (Southern Austria) yesterday (Sun), achieving 37.1%. The Freedom Party of Carinthia (FPK) lost most of the votes (-27.8%). The ÖVP, on third place (14.2%), was followed by the Green Party (11.8%). 440,748 Carinthians were entitled to vote, of which 71.4 percent actually voted. The […]

Green Archduke wants titles returned in Austria

General News

A Green politician sitting on the local council in Wolfsberg wants to see the return of aristocratic titles which were banned in Austria after the first world war. Ulrich Habsburg-Lothringen, himself a descendant who would have the title Archduke, wants them to be returned to their former owners and their descendants by 2018 at the […]

Austrian parliament approves eurozone rescue fund


Austria’s parliament has approved the eurozone’s permanent rescue fund, clearing the way for the country’s broader participation in the 17-nation zone’s financial crisis management. The governing left-center coalition was supported by the opposition Green party to surpass the two-thirds of votes needed for approval Wednesday. Opposed were the rightist Freedom Party and the populist BZO, […]

Petrovic wants VIA job


A Green trailblazer and animal rights activist has applied for the vacant position of a leading aviation industry company.Former federal Green Party leader Madeleine Petrovic announced today (Fri) she was “ready to take responsibility at Flughafen Wien AG (FW), the listed firm which manages Vienna International Airport (VIA or VIE).FW is currently seeking a new […]