VIG profit jumps amid tax woes


Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) reported increased profit today (Thurs).The company announced net profit had risen by 9.2 per cent from the first six months of 2009 to 194.4 million Euros during the same period this year. Profit before taxes jumped by 11 per cent to 255.6 million Euros, it added. Analysts had expected profit before […]

Faymann calls for end of Gaza embargo


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann appealed to Israeli leaders to lift the Gaza Strip embargo as he met with the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday (Weds).Faymann explained: “We (the Austrian government) want Israel to end the embargo of the Gaza Strip.”The chancellor stressed at the same time that he accepted that goods transported […]

Vast majority back tax on assets, poll shows


More than seven in ten are in support of the introduction of a tax on assets, a new study has found.Public opinion research agency Karmasin has found that 72 per cent of Austrians backed the possible new tax, while only 18 per cent rate the suggestion a “bad idea”.This result – revealed by a poll […]

Newspaper icon Hans Dichand dies

General News

One of the most powerful and influential men in Austria passed away today (Thurs) after Kronen Zeitung boss Hans Dichand died aged 89 at a Viennese clinic.Dichand was chief editor of the Kleine Zeitung and the Kurier before re-establishing the Kronen Zeitung in 1959. The tradition-rich daily was abandoned during the Nazi’s Third Reich regime.Dichand, […]

Chancellor wants ‘clear signal’ from EU summit


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has said he expects this evening’s (Fri) summit of Euro zone heads of state and government “to send a clear signal to the markets and to people in Europe.”Faymann’s spokesman Leo Szemeliker added today that the chancellor wanted the summit to agree on a rescue package for bankrupt Greece […]

Human rights appeal as Putin to visit Vienna


Greens MP Alexander Van der Bellen appealed to Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann to mention human rights issues as he is set to meet Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin tomorrow (Sat).Judo black belt-sporting Putin is expected to spend the weekend in Vienna as part of a non-official visit to attend the Judo World Championships […]

Austrian government’s travel habits unaffected by Polish plane crash


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has made clear he would continue to board a plane together with People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll.His announcement comes after all 97 passengers of a Polish government plane died in a crash last Saturday, including president Lech Kaczyński and high-ranking military leaders. Some newspapers and commentators condemned […]

AUA ‘keeps Moscow landing rights’


Austrian Airlines (AUA) will continue to have permission to land in Moscow, according to a newspaper report.Austrian daily Die Presse reports in its edition from today (Fri) that the company keeps its rights to offer connections to Russia.Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had publicly questioned the bilateral agreement once made between the Austrian and the […]

Pressure on Faymann as Pröll is ahead of chancellor in poll


The pressure on Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann is increasing as new research reveals he has been overtaken by People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll in popularity.Research firm Karmasin found out 27 per cent of Austrians would support Pröll if they could elect the chancellor by direct vote but only 24 per cent […]

Chancellor plans new stimulus package as jobless rate soars


By Thomas HochwarterSPÖ Chancellor Werner Faymann has announced plans for a new economy stimulus package as figures show unemployment soared almost 20 per cent year on year last month.The Social Democrat said today (Tues) he wanted to introduce a third stimulus package, adding he had “many plans” to help people to “gain better qualifications”.Faymann claimed […]