Gusenbauer on Harvard and Eurozone turmoil


Alfred Gusenbauer has revealed details of his engagement at one of the best universities in the world. The former Social Democratic (SPÖ) chancellor told newspaper Die Presse yesterday (Mon) he was about to become a permanent lecturer at Harvard University. The institute – which is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States – is […]

Gusenbauer doubts Faymann’s crisis concept


Former Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer has dismissed a suggestion by his successor on how Europe’s politicians could get the continent’s volatile economic situation under control. SPÖ head and Chancellor Werner Faymann said the federal government and state leaders of the 27 European Union (EU) member countries should meet more often to debate how […]

Strabag to team up with cement top dog


Strabag boss Hans Peter Haselsteiner said today (Weds) his company wanted to protect itself from volatile cement market prices as the firm is set to cooperate with the cement production’s world market leader.Haselsteiner and Bruno Lafont, head of French firm Lafarge, announced yesterday the companies’ joint venture will start doing business by the beginning of […]

Pressure on Faymann as Pröll is ahead of chancellor in poll


The pressure on Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann is increasing as new research reveals he has been overtaken by People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll in popularity.Research firm Karmasin found out 27 per cent of Austrians would support Pröll if they could elect the chancellor by direct vote but only 24 per cent […]