Vienna tops global congress ranking


Vienna hosted more congresses than any other city in the world last year.The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) announced today (Fri) that 154 international summits took place in the Austrian capital in 2010. This figure helped the city to stay on top of the ICCA’s global ranking. Vienna was tied for first place with […]

Lenzing turnover skyrockets


Cellulose fibre maker Lenzing AG raked in more than one billion Euros in the first nine months of this year.The company said today (Tues) that its turnover soared from 885 million Euros in the first three quarters of 2009 to 1.29 billion Euros in the same time period of this year.The firm, which is based […]

Europe’s far-right factions to meet in Vienna


Left-wingers are expected to take to the streets in Vienna today (Fri) to demonstrate against a summit of far-right parties from all over Europe which is taking place in the Austrian capital.Andreas Mölzer, who represents the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) in the European Parliament (EP), said representatives of the Sweden Democrats, Italy’s Lega Nord, the […]

Chancellor wants ‘clear signal’ from EU summit


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has said he expects this evening’s (Fri) summit of Euro zone heads of state and government “to send a clear signal to the markets and to people in Europe.”Faymann’s spokesman Leo Szemeliker added today that the chancellor wanted the summit to agree on a rescue package for bankrupt Greece […]