Widespread scepticism about Greens’ new cycling project


A heated debate has erupted following a radical traffic reform idea by the Viennese Greens. The party said on Wednesday cyclists should be allowed to cross junctions or turn right at red light in some cases. Special traffic lights could be established to introduce the model used in other European cities, the Greens said. Christoph […]

Green light for Vienna’s cyclists

General News

The Viennese Greens plan significant cycling rule reforms. Several Viennese newspapers report today (Thurs) that the party of Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou wants to lift the obligatory cycling path usage law. The restriction means that all cyclists have to use cycling strips wherever available. Abandoning the ruling could create a conflict between the city coalition […]

Vienna keeps cycling focus

General News

Vienna’s cycling network is set to become bigger. Greens Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou said yesterday (Weds) the city’s government coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and her party agreed about expanding several already existing cycling paths. She said the 24 individual projects would be carried out throughout this year and extend cycling strips by 20 kilometres […]

Graz gets a city bike rental scheme


The city of Graz is planning to invest 350,000 Euros in creating a city wide rental bike system. The rental system will be based around a booking platform known as “Graz Bikes” that will be aimed at tourists and locals keen to try out the cycling possibilities in the region. The council agreed funding of […]

Vienna has cycling ambassador

General News

A traffic researcher has been named Vienna’s new ambassador for cycling. The city government of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the Green Party decided to create the position to increase the share of cycling in the capital from the current five to six per cent to 10 per cent by 2015. The coalition announced yesterday (Tues) […]

Traffic mayhem fears tempt cycling race postponement


Discussions over effects on traffic have led to the postponement of a major cycling event. Organisers of the first Viennese Cycling Marathon announced today (Mon) the competition would take place in spring of next year instead of this autumn. Critics of the endeavour complained about plans to shut the Ringstraße road in the city centre […]

Cycling campaign after bike garage fiasco


Tens of thousands of Vienna’s residents are cycling to work every day, according to a traffic research organisation.The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) announced today (Weds) that 34,000 of the city’s overall 1.7 million residents use their bikes to get to their workplaces.Now the capital’s coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the Green Party presented an […]

More Austrians to cycle amid fuel price hikes


Around 25 per cent of Austrians are cycling each day or several days a week, according to a traffic information organisation.The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) said today (Mon) its research suggested that one out of four Austrians were cycling on a daily basis or more than once a week. The club said it expected this […]

Cycling helmet law for kids planned


Austrian decision-makers have revealed plans to introduce a cycling helmet law for children.Social Democratic (SPÖ) Traffic Minister Doris Bures said in a TV interview yesterday (Sun) that she was in favour of a decree forcing everyone under the age of 10 to wear helmets while cycling.Bures explained that the law was part of a traffic […]

Vienna ‘cycling highway’ construction starts


Construction of a new “cycling highway” started in Vienna this morning (Fri).Work for the 3.5-kilometre path along the Wien river will cost 5.3 million Euros, city officials have said.The track – which hikers will also be allowed to use – will connect Hütteldorf train station in Vienna-Penzing and Kennedy bridge underground station in Hietzing district. […]