Biodegradable credit card launched in Austria

General News

An Austrian bank is now offering its customers a bank card made out of corn that is biodegradable once it is finished with. The idea is part of an environmental initiative by the Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) which includes not only biodegradable card but also packaging in which it is sent which is also […]

Austria reprimanded over job market disparities


The European Commission (EC) has appealed to Austria to abolish the various hindrances immigrants are facing on the country’s labour market. EC officials decided yesterday (Mon) to issue a warning to the Austrian government coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and People’s Party (ÖVP) as well as to Austrian private economy decision-makers. EC experts said highly […]

Winter Card making skiiing easier in Lower Austria


 Rebecca Musgrave Lower Austria is preparing to implement a new Winter Card which will make skiing in the area all the more appealing. The transferable lift pass can be used in seven ski areas in Lower Austria for three or five days and carries the motto “Skiing – when I want, wherever I want”. The […]

Free entry with free card in Salzburg


The travel desk has had a reminder for anybody hoping to finally start to enjoy the summer weather which has arrived very late this year that the free “Seenland Card” is still available and valid until the end of September. The card can be picked up for free at all of the following locations by […]

Postal parcel drop boxes to be tested

General News

The Austrian Post will start testing domestic drop off boxes to receive packages when the receiver is not at home. The boxes will be placed close to the existing postboxes. If a package receiver is not at home, he will get a notification and a code card with which to operate the drop off box. […]

Birthday card arrives 17 years late

General News

An elderly Viennese woman received a greetings card 17 years late, it has been reported.Local newspapers reveal today (Mon) that the Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus resident got the card – which was sent off by her brother Manfred in France in 1994 – last week.The resident of France congratulated his sister Anneliese to her 70th birthday and expressed […]

Transaction error upsets BA clients


Bank Austria (BA) customers have been assured they will be compensated for losses temporarily suffered due to a technical glitch.Viennese newspapers report today (Thurs) that hundreds of customers of BA and credit card payment services provider Paylife were affected by the error which meant amounts twice as high as intended had been withdrawn from their […]

Tanning shops ignore under-18s ban


Many tanning salons ignore the law and let minors use their facilities, a new undercover investigation has shown.The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) said today (Thurs) six out of 15 tested solariums in Vienna did not hesitate to let under-aged people on their sun beds.The organisation revealed one shop instantly offered a special rate to […]

German jailed for blackmailing food firms

General News

A German has been sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison for blackmailing Austrian food companies.Markus Rewinski sent threatening e-mails to confectionery company Manner and delicatessen producer Wojnar’s last year. He also laced products of the Viennese firms and placed them on shelves in shops in Tyrol. Police stressed after arresting Rewinski last […]

Budget petrol station businessman eyes Vienna, reports say


Alarm bells are ringing at petrol stations across Vienna as a canny Salzburg businessman is reported to have plans to open a budget station later this month.Business dailies report today (Thurs) Markus Friesacher considered taking his Salzburg success story to the federal capital. The entrepreneur’s Hofer stations caused a stir – and kilometre-long tailbacks – […]