Küng tackles Schüller group

General News

Another top-tier representative of the Austrian Church has warned the Preachers’ Initiative from consequences. St. Pölten Diocese Bishop Klaus Küng wrote in a letter to members of his diocese that he would feel “sorry” if actions had to be carried out against fellow Catholics. He expressed hopes for “not being forced to do so”. Küng […]

Rebel priest deplores Church’s ‘leadership crisis’

General News

A Catholic preacher who established a group of “disobedient” priests reacted coolly to Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn’s warnings. Speaking to Italian daily La Stampa last week, Schönborn said regarding the Austrian Church’s reaction to the Preachers’ Initiative: “Now is the time to clarify the various issues. We might take disciplinary measures, but I hope […]

Schönborn warns disobedient priests

General News

Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn is upping the pressure on Helmut Schüller’s Preachers’ Initiative. Schönborn, the highest representative of the Austrian Catholic Church, told Italian newspaper La Stampa yesterday (Thurs): “Now is the time to clarify the various issues. We might take disciplinary measures, but I hope that this is not necessary.” The conservative Conference […]

Austrian McDonalds killer on trial

General News

A court case has started in Germany after a disagreement at a McDonalds in Münich an which a man was killed after being punched by an Austrian. The German businessman Giacomo A., 41, had been attacked by the unemployed Austrian David M.,25, at the McDonalds on 30th July last year. It was as the businessman […]

Bees latest exhibit at the Secession

Green Austria

A swarm of 15,000 bees from the Austrian Mostviertel region have been moved to a new home – the roof of Austrian iconic art gallery the Secession. The bees join the growing number of city bees under the control of the inner-city beekeepers. The hive was sponsored by the Erste Foundation which decided to back […]

Kothgasser to retire

General News

Alois Kothgasser, the archbishop of the Diocese of Salzburg, has decided to apply for retirement. Kothgasser announced yesterday (Weds) that he informed Pope Benedict XVI. about his wish in a letter. Kothgasser, 75, added he hoped for a private conversation with the Pope to discuss who could succeed him. A decision is expected for autumn. […]

Prices spiral up less strongly


Predictions that the Austrian inflation will decelerate this year appear to be correct. Products and services on offer in the country cost 2.4 per cent more last month than in March 2011. This increase followed a price jump of 2.6 per cent between February 2011 and February 2012. The annual inflation soared by 3.3 per […]

PPÖ sets the sails for Graz


A public opinion researcher has given the Austrian Pirate Party (PPÖ) good chances to enter the city hall of Graz next year. Sophie Karmasin of Viennese research group Karmasin said the recently established political party might manage to make it into the parliament of the capital of Styria in next year’s city hall ballot. Graz […]

Coining it in

General News

Austrian hotel manager Rainer Ogrinigg is booked out after offering to allow guests to pay in Austrian Schillings and German Marks rather than Euros. Ogrinigg, who owns the Seehotel Grundlsee in Ausseerland in the Austrian lake district the Salzkammergut, confirmed it is now possible for guests to pay in German Marks. The offer was made […]

Man killed in traffic accident

General News

A tragic accident claimed the life of a 22-year-old Austrian this week. The young man from Oberndorf, in Flachgau, was travelling in Bavaria when he pulled into the lane used by oncoming traffic to overtake a row of cars. But he smashed into the side of another car driven by another Austrian driver, a 45-year-old […]