Austrian McDonalds killer on trial

A court case has started in Germany after a disagreement at a McDonalds in Münich an which a man was killed after being punched by an Austrian.

The German businessman Giacomo A., 41, had been attacked by the unemployed Austrian David M.,25, at the McDonalds on 30th July last year.

It was as the businessman was visiting the fast-food restaurant with his girlfriend that the Austrian arrived and started picking a fight with the 16 years older man.

Witnesses told the police that the Austrian had been in a foul mood, and that he had ignored the line when ordering his food. He then sat down right beside Giacomo A., even though there were many other free tables, and started harassing him.

The older man met the insults with a dismissive calm at first, but as the time passed, a loud disagreement broke out which ended with Giacomo A. leaving the restaurant and being pushed in the back by David M. who then proceeded to strike the businessman twice in the face, ripping an artery in his neck. He died of internal injuries.

After the attack the Austrian was heard swearing in a Yugoslavian dialect.

An ambulance was called to the restaurant, but Giacomo A. had died from internal bleeding before they arrived.

The trial continues.