Gay and lesbian teachers have been a taboo in schools up to now. The SPÖ wants to change this. At the regional party conference, they decided about a legal proposal in order to support these teachers. The Social democrats demand more “sexual variety” in the teacher education. Education plans and training materials would have to […]
Integration week starts today
The third “Vienna integration week” starts today. More than 270 events within ten days will show where and how integration works in Vienna. An entrepreneur with Bosnian roots is the organiser of the event. “There are many places in Vienna, where multilingualism, diversity, cohabitation and integration are self-evident. This is where our event takes place […]
The financial scandal in Salzburg has been hotly debated since last December. Many people lost their trust in the government and this has led to early elections on 5 May. The former financial adviser Wolfgang Eisl (ÖVP) issued a letter of attorney ten years ago, which allowed three state servants to make risky financial deals. […]
Triathlete Hannes Hempel renounced doing the B-test after his positive doping test result in a training control on 8 March. He also announced his immediate retirement. The 39-year-old man from Carinthia, who was banned for four years in 2008, could have been banned again for a long time. “From my experience I can tell that […]
Shopping centre operator Richard Lugner has been fighting for Sunday opening hours in his shopping centre “Lugner City” in Vienna. He is now supported by the BZÖ and will lobby in Brussels for the extension of opening hours. „I will go tho Brussels in June, together with representatives of the Berlin chamber of commerce and […]
Faymann warns against greed in society
The SPÖ converted its traditional May Parade at Rathausplatz in Vienna to some kind of unofficial election campaign. Chancellor and head of the SPÖ Werner Faymann appealed to his party officials to put “every effort” in the time before the elections. “If the debate at the end of September is: do you want a neoliberal […]
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Wedding Day – the so-called “50plus Hotels” have a special offer for those who want to celebrate or give a wonderful present to their beloved. Guests are spoiled in many ways. The Hotel Erzherzog Johann in Bad Aussee, Styria, focuses on wedding anniversaries: partners who were married for 25 or […]
A lot of events will take place on today’s May Day: The traditionally biggest event is the manifestation of the SPÖ at town hall square in Vienna. The famous Austrian singer DJ Ötzi will motivate people to party in Vienna Prater. This year’s May Parade of the Social Democrats will be in accordance with the […]
A documentary of the “Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen” (ARD), which was shown on TV on Monday night, deals with the dark side of the company Red Bull. It is about risky spectacles with a deadly end. The company Red Bull with headquarters in Salzburg produces more than five billion cans of the energy drink. Moreover, the […]
Only 32 percent of Austrians regard the bank secrecy as personally important. This is the result of a survey of the Gallup institute for the “WirtschaftsBlatt”. 71 percent think that Austria is no tax haven. The results were identical nationwide in all age groups and professions. It is also remarkable that even big income earners […]