BZO and Lugner join forces over Sunday opening


Shopping centre operator Richard Lugner has been fighting for Sunday opening hours in his shopping centre “Lugner City” in Vienna. He is now supported by the BZÖ and will lobby in Brussels for the extension of opening hours. „I will go tho Brussels in June, together with representatives of the Berlin chamber of commerce and […]

Lugner argues Sunday shopping campaign


Richard Lugner has revealed details about his Sunday shopping initiative. The businessman – who owns and manages Vienna’s Lugner City shopping centre – recently said he contacted Social Democratic (SPÖ) Mayor Michael Häupl to find out whether the city of Vienna might issue an extraordinary regulation enabling him to open on the seventh day of […]

Teen burns bum in failed Halloween trick

General News

A teenager suffered serious burns when a Halloween prank went wrong, it has been reported.The 13-year-old boy and a pal, 10, poured petrol a plastic slide in a playground in Kraubath, Styria, and set it alight on Sunday night. The teens then tried to extinguish the spreading flames amid fears the fire could devastate the […]

Lugner legal bid for Sunday shopping


A Viennese entrepreneur has revealed plans to launch legal action over the Austrian Sunday shopping ban.Richard Lugner, whose Lugner City shopping centre opened in 1990, said today (Tues) he had assigned a lawyer to file a complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court (VfGH) about current regulations.Federal law disallows shops of all kind to do business […]

Swarovski manager angered by ‘schizophrenic’ Sunday shopping ban


Swarovski Kristallwelten (Crystal Worlds) boss Andreas Braun has attacked lawmakers for failing to allow the crystal shop in Vienna to open on Sundays.The manager said today that (Weds) “pseudo arguments” have been used to fight the 1,200 square-metre Swarovski store in Kärntner Street from doing business seven days a week.”Some fed-up, envious locals have been […]

Kuwait´s Wataniya Airways launches Vienna service


Wataniya Airways has launched a new service to the Austrian capital Vienna, the Kuwaiti national carrier has announced.The service will run three times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, a statement by the airline said.Vienna is the carrier’s 11th destination and its second European destination launched since the airline began operations in January 2009.

Liste Burgenland performs spot landing


Final results of last Sunday’s provincial election mean that the Burgenland parliament will feature five parties for the first time in history.Voting commission officials announced last night (Weds) that the counting of postal votes means that the Greens – who won 5.2 per cent in 2005 – managed to remain in parliament with 4.15 per […]