The listed oil producing company OMV increased its revenue in the first quarter of 2013 by 4 percent to 10.8 billion Euros compared to the same quarter of last year. The company not only managed to increase the revenue but also the net surplus by 52 percent to 951 million Euros. However, the surplus before […]
New vaccine using bacteria membrane
The bacteria family of the Pastorellaceae are responsible for several infectious diseases. A team of molecular life scientists from Graz is now trying to find new vaccine “candidates”, which will protect us against these infections. Bacteria emit several kinds of protein and macromolecular particles of their membrane. These round particles are called “membrane vesicles” or […]
Cycle paths to be painted green
Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou (Green Party) wants to paint cycle paths in Vienna with a length of 1,223 km green. A test route along the Ringstrasse will be painted next week. Colourful cycle paths have been set up in cities like London and Munich. According to Maria Vassilakou, residents of Vienna will love it too. […]
Hypo Alpe Adria subsidy will be sold
The final negotiations about the sale of the Austrian subsidy of the bank group Hypo Alpe Adria are currently underway. The Indian “Srei Group” with headquarters in Calcutta allegedly has good chances. The Srei Group is a listed company and one of the leading private financial institutes in the infrastructure sector of India. However, the […]
The luxury hotel Bristol at Kärntner Ring in Vienna (next to the State Opera) has been undergoing renovation for a year. The bar was now reopened. The lobby, reception and the restaurant will open until November. Anthony Quinn and Shakira, George Gershwin and Herbert von Karajan as well as Juan Carlos from Spain and Kofi […]
Newspapers from Yemen agree that the sultanate of Oman paid 16 million dollars of ransom for the Austrian kidnap victim Dominik N. (26). Four million dollars were paid to tribal leaders who worked as intermediaries. The news agency AFP confirmed the figures: apparently, 50 million dollars were paid for all three hostages. Arabian media reported […]
Squirrels get new six hectar park
Vienna city council’s environmental department has designed a whole new park near the Heeresspital in Florisdorf in an attempt to attract squirrels away from their home to allow the building of 950 council flats. The new park which is located nearby measures six hectares. Its wide range of flowers and herbs should encourage a least […]
Bank Austria hit by hackers
Hackers hit Bank Austria’s online banking from 4 to 6 May. The cyber criminals hacked into the activity protocols of online banking customers from a covered IP address in France and the Netherlands and from a German server. The attack has apparently been fought off successfully. “It was never possible for the criminals to get […]
Friday Night skating back on track
The Green Party invites Viennese residents to join the regular “Friday Night Skating” during the nights of the summer months. The participants, including cyclists, will skate out from Heldenplatz from 9 p.m. and go along Ringstrasse, Triesterstrasse or Südosttangente. Affected streets will be closed for car traffic. The police and several “Rolling Guards” will look […]
A new solar bus is now in use in Hornstein, Burgenland (Eastern Austria), which is operated by an electric motor. The Technical University in Graz and several companies in Burgenland have been involved in the project. The solar bus, which has 68-horse power, can drive without making any sound. The power for the electric motor […]