Massive theft of ketchup and mustard reported

General News

A trailer containing more than 20 tons of ketchup and mustard has been stolen in Lower Austria at the weekend, it emerged today (Mon). The articulated trailer, which was reported missing by a company, contained 21 tons of jars and bottles of ketchup and mustard. It disappeared from a car park near Stockerau owned by […]

London Array order for Voestalpine


An industrial company based in the Upper Austrian city of Linz has been assigned to deliver 20,000 tons of steel for a new offshore wind farm in the United Kingdom.Voestalpine AG said today (Fri) it was contracted to produce and deliver sheet metal objects weighing 20,000 tons altogether for German technology company Siemens AG which […]

Organic food sales soar


More and more Austrians are opting for foodstuff produced in an eco-friendly way, according to new figures.The Austrian agricultural branch authority Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) announced today (Tues) that 116,280 tons of organic products were sold in specialised and regular supermarkets across the country in 2010.AMA explained this is a 21.5 per cent improvement compared to […]

Almost 6,000 natural gas vehicles in Austria


More than 300 natural gas cars were registered in Austria last year, it has been announced.Statistik Austria said today (Fri) that 333 gas-powered cars, 221 natural gas lorries and 48 buses equipped with natural gas engines were registered in 2010.The state agency explained these developments increase the overall number of natural gas vehicles in the […]

Bad weather dampens 2010 harvest


Difficult weather conditions and a decline of cultivation areas have led to significant harvest declines this year.Federal statistics authority Statistik Austria announced today (Fri) that overall harvest volumes dropped by 6.5 per cent year on year to around 4.5 million tons.Branch representation authority Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) predicted a year on year decrease of five per […]

Austrian embassy in Paris ‘a pigsty’


People’s Party (ÖVP) Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich has labelled the Austrian embassy in Paris a “pigsty”, according to reports.The federal minister was due to catch a connection flight in the French capital yesterday (Tues) to attend the United Nations’ (UN) 2010 Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.The departure of the Air France jet the minister […]

Steel joist theft reported

General News

Plucky thieves made off with steel girders weighing almost 30 tons, it has been revealed.Officials in Eggelsberg, Upper Austria, said today (Thurs) that 14 stainless steel joists each weighing two tons disappeared from a local company’s indoor storage site during the night.The thieves are suspected of lifting the objects up with a special crane truck […]

Lenzing turnover skyrockets


Cellulose fibre maker Lenzing AG raked in more than one billion Euros in the first nine months of this year.The company said today (Tues) that its turnover soared from 885 million Euros in the first three quarters of 2009 to 1.29 billion Euros in the same time period of this year.The firm, which is based […]

Asamer takes the train as €8mn logistics centre opens


A construction material company awarded the “Sustainable Development Award 2010” will transport the vast amount of material produced at one of its plants via train.Manfred Asamer, head of Upper Austrian firm Asamer, said today (Weds) 80 to 90 per cent of the material won at the Roitham factory – or 180,000 tons of gravel – […]