Baby burned by deep fat fryer

General News

An unattended nine month old baby was seriously burned after crawling across to the oven and pulling a deep fat fryer full of burning oil over itself in Stadl an der Mur, Styria. The tot pulled on a cable attached to the fryer and pulled it over. Half a litre of hot oil landed on […]

Rapid chase RBS


Rapid Vienna must avoid a widening of the gap to leaders Red Bull Salzburg (RBS) this Sunday. The Bulls lead the table, with the Green-Whites in second place. Rapid, who are managed by former Austrian national team defender Peter Schöttel, face underperforming title holders Sturm Graz on Sunday. RBS play SV Ried already tomorrow (Sat). […]

Asparagus season officially opens

Culinary Guide

The asparagus season has officially started in Austria and in the heart of asparagus country at Deutsch-Wagram it was a reason to celebrate with a band and an official festival. The now traditional “Spargelgala” is so popular that it has become a magnet for nearby Vienna high society that come to enjoy asparagus in all […]

Jasmin Ouschan opens billiard training camp


Austria’s world champion ballplayer Jasmin Ouschan has helped fund an international billiard centre in her homeland. The 26-year-old who has almost superstar status for her skills in America and Asia but is less well-known in her ski loving homeland said that she hoped to make the sport more attractive to her Austrian countrymen. She started […]

Burglar bags cash as tenant takes a nap

General News

Cash and jewellery have been stolen from a flat in Linz while its tenant was fast asleep in the same room, it has been reported.Police in Upper Austria announced today (Weds) that the unidentified intruder, who is being sought, apparently entered the apartment by breaking down the front door.The criminal nicked around 450 Euros and […]

Carinthian boy buried by ping-pong table

General News

A two-year-old boy suffered serious head injuries and a broken lower leg when a table-tennis table landed on him in Carinthia yesterday (Tues).The child was running around his 58-year-old grandfather’s estate in St. Gertraud in the province’s Lavant Valley when a freak gust of wind blew the ping-pong table on top of him as he […]

Austria Vienna to sport red kit in AIDS fight


Austria Vienna will wear special all-red jerseys and shorts for the first time in the club’s history against Red Bull Salzburg this Sunday as part of an international AIDS awareness campaign.The team, who usually compete in purple, support its outfitter Nike’s “Lace Up, Save Lives” campaign which was initiated by U2 singer Bono. Stars like […]