Homosexual’s success scares off priest

General News

A Catholic preacher plans to withdraw from his local parish after a gay man entered the community council. Florian Stangl, a homosexual carer of disabled children, received a majority of votes in the recent Stützenhofen parish community council ballot. Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, the highest representative of the Austrian Roman Catholic Church, gave the […]

Kapellari fears clerical split

General News

An end to the feud between the Austrian Church’s leaders and a “disobedient” group of preachers seems out of reach. Graz Diocese Bishop Egon Kapellari warned from a splitting of the country’s Catholic Church if the Preachers’ Initiative failed to stop its activities. Kapellari appealed on the association of parish priests – which was established […]

Anger as archbishop gives church away

General News

Members of a small parish in Vienna are outraged by Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn’s decision to hand over the church to the city’s Serbian-Orthodox community for free. Neuleuchenfeld parishioners harshly criticised Schönborn for his decision made public last year. Now the Vatican decided to reject their appeal. It promised to rule on the issue by […]

Thief makes €6,000 emptying church cash boxes

General News

A Vorarlberg man has admitted stealing thousands of Euros in coins from offertory boxes at churches in the province.The 26-year-old was caught red-handed at the St. Antonius chapel in Lustenau on Tuesday, police said today (Thurs).He admitted in police interviews having raided cash boxes in more than 170 churches in the province of Vorarlberg over […]

Confessional box auction offline after ‘satanic’ bid

General News

Catholic Church killjoys have ordered a parish to take its confessional box auction offline – right after the highest bid was exactly 666 Euros.Priest Otto Weber of cash-strapped Hirschstetten parish in Vienna-Donaustadt decided to offer one of the church’s confessional boxes on eBay to carry out essential renovations.But Archdiocese Vienna decision-makers forced the canny cleric […]