Hells Angels ‘linked to chainsaw killing’

General News

Two of the world’s most feared motorcycle crime gangs are on the radar of homicide investigators after an Austrian was cut into pieces in Berlin. A friend of tattooist Raoul Schmidhuber identified the discovered torso of the man due to his significant tattoos. Police divers found the body part in the Spree River a few […]

Europe bemoans death of Otto Habsburg


Otto Habsburg, the last heir to the throne of the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire and oldest member of the Habsburg family, has died at the age of 98. Habsburg “peacefully passed away” yesterday morning (Mon), his family announced. They explained all of his seven children were at his death bed in Pöcking, Bavaria, Germany. He will […]

Greece must be strengthened, Faymann warns


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has claimed Austria would be worse off if the European Union (EU) allowed Greece to go bust. The Social Democrat once more defended the financial support for the debt-stricken Eurozone member in a TV interview yesterday (Sun). Faymann pointed out Austria was a country focusing on exports and must […]



“When I arrived in a city, I was feeling lost, and just wanted to meet other expats and discover the best places to go.” That was how former journalist Malte Zeeck used to feel whenever sent on a new assignment – and that was the motivation that led him comparatively recently to set up what […]

Right-winger resigns over ‘Blood and Honour’ tattoo


A right-wing politician has stepped down after a dispute considering a tattoo.Carinthian Freedom Party (FPK) Councillor Gerry Leitmann announced today (Tues) he informed Franz Felsberger, the Social Democratic (SPÖ) mayor of Ebenthal, Carinthia, about his decision to resign yesterday.Leitmann came under fire by political rivals for a tattoo saying “Blut und Ehre” (Blood and Honour) […]

Austrians doubt widespread corruption claims


Many Austrian businesspeople are questioning investigations indicating that bribery is rampant in the country, a new survey shows.Research group Ernst & Young interviewed more than 100 Austrian employees and company chiefs as part of its European Fraud Survey 2011. The agency said today (Weds) only 34 per cent of polled Austrians believe corruption is common […]

Erste Bank doubles supervisory board wages


Decision-makers at Austria’s biggest bank have been accused of acting greedily by sharply raising supervisory board members’ salaries.The Erste Group Bank AG (Erste Bank) board announced today (Thurs) that each member of the financial institute’s supervisory board will receive 700,000 Euros for its achievements last year, up from half the amount in 2009 when the […]

Business elite’s salaries back at pre-crisis level


Top-level managers of Austria’s leading companies raked in a fifth more last year than in so-called crisis year 2009.Reports from today (Tues) have it that members of the executive boards of the 20 Austrian firms quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) earned around 20 per cent more in 2010 than the year before when […]

Turkish to become final exam subject

General News

Students in Austria may soon be able to graduate in Turkish.The federal education ministry of Social Democrat (SPÖ) Claudia Schmied announced today (Tues) the language may become the 14th foreign language learners in the country can pick at their final exams. Turkish has been taught as an optional subject in many secondary modern schools which […]

Austrian companies hired 2,500 Romanians in 2010


More than 2,000 Romanians took on jobs in Austria last year, according to new figures.Romanian online recruiting platform Tjobs reports today (Mon) that around 2,500 people from the Eastern European (EE) country signed work contracts with Austrian firms in 2010. The agency also said that a further 10,500 Romanians applied for jobs in Austria at […]