Bank bankruptcy law planned


The government intends to change Austria’s insolvency regulations to loosen protective factors banks have so far benefited from. Several bankers – including Andreas Treichl, the head of market leader Erste Bank Group AG (Erste Bank) – have spoken out in favour of a reform of the financial sector bankruptcy law. Austrian law fails to feature […]

Hundstorfer suggests to double truancy penalty


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Labour and Social Affairs Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer has said the fines for breaches of education regulations might rise. Hundstorfer said before the meeting of government ministers yesterday (Tues) that he could imagine to support an increase of the maximum penalty from 220 Euros to twice this amount. The labour minister once more […]

No prostitution in Neubau, says Blimlinger


An influential Viennese district chief is thwarting his own party’s attempts to reform the city’s prostitution law. Neubau leader Thomas Blimlinger said today (Fri) he rejected the Greens’ decision to create one of the five areas where street sex trade would be allowed soon in his district. The agreement between his party and the Social […]

Police carry out prostitution crackdown

General News

Viennese police arrested five people in the first night of a new law regulating prostitution. A spokesman for police forces in the city said today (Weds) that five people were put in custody last night. He added that 40 men and women could face charges for breaching various regulations of the legal initiative which was […]

Prostitution law reform upsets opposition


Vienna has started another attempt to regulate prostitution as a new law on the tradition-rich street sex industry comes into force. The new bylaw – in effect as of today (Tues) – bans prostitution from anywhere in the city but five areas where it is permitted. Two of them are situated along the busy Gürtel […]

Forced marriage law extension likely


People’s Party (ÖVP) State Secretary Sebastian Kurz has called for a reform of Austria’s anti-forced marriage law. Forced marriages are not a criminal offence under the current regulations if carried out abroad. Austrians and people living in Austria are facing legal consequences for such actions only if this kind of marriage occurs within the country’s […]

Sienna and Tom in Austria


Sienna Miller has been spotted making out with her new boyfriend in Vienna.The 29-year-old model and actress – a main target of paparazzi across the globe – was snapped as she kissed and cuddled Tom Sturridge in the Austrian capital’s hip Neubau district at the weekend. The English actor starred in “Wastewater,” a stage production […]

Jude Law gorges on sweet dumplings


Jude Law enjoyed a fish dish, steak and a typical Austrian dessert when he made a surprise appearance at the 20th anniversary party of a trendy eatery in Vienna.The British actor – currently in the city for the shooting of a new film called “360” – had tuna tartare, chocolate-chilli steak and strawberry-nougat dumplings at […]

Greens rated least corrupt in poll


Austrians are putting the most trust in the Greens when it comes to how badly political parties are infiltrated by corrupting networks.Public opinion company Karmasin found that 31 per cent of Austrians think that the Green Party was the least corrupt political force in the country. The agency said the Social Democrats (SPÖ) came second […]

‘Nazi’ pie maker gets death threats

General News

A confectioner has received murder threats for offering cakes showing banned Nazi propaganda symbols and slogans.The Austrian Mauthausen Committee (MKÖ) – a Holocaust awareness group – informed police and prosecutors about Manfred Klaschka’s controversial business activities earlier this week. The MKÖ was tipped off by horrified customers of the confectioner. A catalogue of previously created […]