Unemployment rate shrinks as Austria braces for EE workforce


Austria’s unemployment rate has dropped, half a year before the country must fully open its labour market to workers from European Union (EU) states in Eastern Europe (EE).Statistik Austria announced today (Weds) 179,000 people were out of work in the fourth quarter of 2010, down by 21,000 or 10.6 per cent compared to the same […]

Up to 200,000 Austrians are full-time illicit workers


Around one million Austrians now and then work illegally, according to a new study.Friedrich Schneider of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz said today (Tues) that a million of the overall 8.5 million Austrians occasionally work without letting labour officials and insurance companies know of their activities.The university professor explained “around 100,000 to 200,000” Austrians […]

Illicit work thriving in Austria


One in four Austrian companies employ unregistered staff, according to a report.The Kronen Zeitung newspaper quotes secret documents today (Tues), claiming that around 25 per cent of checked firms were found employing illegal workers. The daily newspaper reports that more than 11,200 of the overall 67,000 staff at investigated businesses between January and November 2011 […]

Nazi labour camp attack teens sentenced

General News

Three teenagers have been given suspended jail sentences for firing plastic bullets at a group of Nazi slave labour camp survivors.The male friends, aged between 14 and 16 when the incident occurred at the former stone quarry in Ebensee in Upper Austria, in May 2009.The defendants admitted having approached the group of elderly Frenchmen and […]

One in two sushi sets unfit to eat, tests show


Japanese cuisine enthusiasts living in Linz are being advised to rethink their culinary preferences as half of all sushi dishes tested by food watchdogs were rated inedible.The Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) said today (Weds) it had examined 10 sushi meals offered by eateries in the city of Linz and its suburbs. The body said […]

Shops shamed by fishy findings


The results of a series of food tests are likely to turn fish lovers’ stomachs.The Austrian Labour Chamber (AK) said today (Fri) two of the 20 fresh fish it bought at Viennese supermarkets and specialised dealers were unfit to eat.AK said the affected products also smelt bad when they were examined after being purchased. The […]

Nazi death camp undergoes renovation


Extensive renovation work at Third Reich forced labour camp Mauthausen started this morning, it has been reported.Christian Dürr, head of the former concentration camp’s archive, said today (Weds) that the memorial’s overall appearance will be improved during the next two years. He added that the installation of a new exhibition was planned as well.Dürr explained […]

Civil servants satisfied with their jobs

General News

Civil servants are satisfied with their jobs, but workers in the retail-trade sector are not, according to the results of a new poll by the Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AK) released today (Fri).AK said its labour-climate index had fallen to 110 points in early 2010, only two points higher than in autumn 2007. It added […]

Unpaid overtime prevents creation of 60,000 new jobs


Austrians did more than 300 million hours of overtime last year, labour market experts have said.Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) president Johann Kalliauer said today (Thurs) that around a third of the 314 million overtime hours was unpaid work.He further added that the creation of approximately 60,000 new full-time positions was hindered by the massive […]

Job anxiety slowly ebbing


Austrians’ anxiety about losing their jobs has been slowly ebbing, according to results of a new poll by Linz public-opinion research firm Spectra released today (Fri).Results show that 80 per cent believe their jobs are safe, up from 75 per cent last summer.The young are less anxious than the old, with 81 per cent of […]