One in two sushi sets unfit to eat, tests show

Japanese cuisine enthusiasts living in Linz are being advised to rethink their culinary preferences as half of all sushi dishes tested by food watchdogs were rated inedible.The Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) said today (Weds) it had examined 10 sushi meals offered by eateries in the city of Linz and its suburbs. The body said five of the checked meals were considered unfit for human consumption.AKOÖ explained the sushi sets contained lactic acid and faecal bacteria.It criticised an apparent negligence of hygiene standards and appealed to children, elderly people and those with a sensitive stomachs not to eat any sushi meals.The Federal Austrian Labour Chamber (AK) caused a stir only last month by revealing that two in 20 of the fresh fish it bought at supermarkets and specialised dealers in Vienna were unfit to eat due to the variety of bacteria they contained.AK also said 14 of 15 products tested for quicksilver contained the potentially dangerous substance, but not more than the official limit value.