Shops shamed by fishy findings

The results of a series of food tests are likely to turn fish lovers’ stomachs.The Austrian Labour Chamber (AK) said today (Fri) two of the 20 fresh fish it bought at Viennese supermarkets and specialised dealers were unfit to eat.AK said the affected products also smelt bad when they were examined after being purchased. The body added another product contained a too high amount of bacteria.AK said it also checked 15 of the 20 bought fish for quicksilver. Fourteen of them contained the potentially dangerous substance, but not more than the official limit value.AK consumer protection official Heinz Schöffl appealed to shops to ensure the distribution cold chain for fish and other products was not interrupted at any time. He also criticised some competitors for storing fresh fish and meat at too high temperatures.These rather worrying results come weeks after the Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) found that almost one in four ice creams on sale at parlours in the city of Linz suffered serious hygiene flaws.AKOÖ said only eight of the 19 probes they took were of passable standard.Three probes were at risk from salmonella and other bacteria, while a further three were “significantly below” the hygiene standards set by the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology.