Right-wingers at odds over option to rule


A severe party-internal rift is building up in the Freedom Party (FPÖ) after a far-right opinion leader questioned the party’s ability to rule.FPÖ Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Andreas Mölzer said in his internet blog he wondered “whether we will be able to give answers, create new concepts and carry out real reforms for […]

FPÖ-internal feud hots up as Strache stays away from WWII commemoration


A far-right member of the European Parliament (MEP) has called on Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache not to deny the roots of his party.FPÖ MEP Andreas Mölzer told the Kurier newspaper today (Weds) Strache “must not be afraid” of pictures showing him with members of controversial student fraternities. Several FPÖ members of the Austrian […]

Strache’s Israel trip causes a stir


Officials in Austria are at odds over Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache’s decision to travel to Israel.The right-winger visited Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a territory Palestinians are also claiming. Speaking about the ongoing conflict about the area and the throwbacks the peace talks have suffered, Strache said in the West Bank area […]

Häupl tops popularity poll as FPÖ swings to the far right


Only one in 10 Vienna residents would have supported Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache in a direct mayoral election, research has shown.Pollsters ISA/SORA found 10 per cent would have backed the right-winger in such a ballot, while 38 per cent said they would have supported incumbent Vienna Social Democrats (SPÖ) Mayor Michael Häupl. People’s […]

Vienna vote has its battle of the comic books


The Viennese Social Democrats (SPÖ) have presented their own election campaign comic after cartoons created by the Freedom Party (FPÖ) caused outcry last month.The city’s SPÖ – who has a majority of city parliament seats – today (Weds) officially presented their own comic book which has already been handed out to potential voters in discos […]

FPÖ boss wants minarets referendum


Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache has announced a referendum over minarets if he wins the upcoming Vienna election.The right-winger announced today (Tues) he will hold a referendum to let residents decide whether they want a law preventing the construction of minarets in the capital.He said: “I will immediately hold a referendum over the issue […]

Anti-Rosenkranz ‘sea of candles’ draws 3,000


Around 3,000 people attended a “sea of candles” protest march against the Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) presidential candidate Barbara Rosenkranz in Vienna last night (Thurs), according to police.Rosenkranz has come under fire over failing to make clear her statements about Austria’s Nazi past and the existence of gas chambers at the Third Reich’s death camps.The ultra-conservative […]