‘Scream’ mask bank robber fails

General News

A would-be robber did a runner after he found a bank shut. The felon – caught by surveillance cameras wearing a “Scream” horror movie mask tried to enter a branch in Vestenthal, Lower Austria, around midday on Tuesday. He ran away as the glass door failed to open. The bank opens only at 2pm for […]

Tobacconist struck down with stun gun

General News

A clerk at a tobacconist’s suffered minor injuries when she was attacked by a robber with an electroshock gun.The criminal – who is being sought by police – asked the woman to unlock a glass showcase of lighters before striking her down with a stun gun. The 43-year-old bit the robber in the hand after […]

Robber takes victim on a ride

General News

Police are hunting a robber who took his victim on a 20-minute train journey before forcing him to deposit money.The criminal approached the 26-year-old on a train at Handelskai station. He asked the man to hand over his wristwatch and cash but refused to let him go. The robber instead told the man to get […]

Brit faces armed robbers in Linz

General News

A British man has described the terrifying moment when an armed robber pointed a gun at him after he went into a high street bank in the centre of Linz yesterday (Tuesday).Simon Byrne, 24, from Liverpool, said: “I had only just walked into the bank in the middle of the day. I wanted to open […]

Newsagent beats wannabe robbers with stick

General News

Would-be robbers fled in horror when their tobacconist victim began clubbing them with a bludgeon.Police in Vienna-Brigittenau said today (Fri) the 40-year-old woman grabbed the wooden stick she kept behind the counter for self protection when the duo entered the her shop.Officials said the men – described by the newsagent as aged between 20 and […]

Tobacconist throws cigarette pack at armed robber

General News

A have-a-go tobacconist scared off an armed robber by throwing a pack of cigarettes straight into his face, yesterday (Weds).Graz police said the 56-year-old shop owner did not hesitate when the robber demanded money from him at gunpoint and chucked the pack of Gauloises straight into the gunman’s face.The would-be robber and his accomplice waiting […]

Petrol station robber flees on bicycle

General News

A robber armed with a pistol fled on a bicycle after robbing a petrol station in Linz, Upper Austria, police said today (Mon).The man entered the station shortly after midnight and demanded money, which he put into a plastic sack before fleeing.Police said the robber was in his early 20s, 1.85 metres tall and thin. […]