Sniper haunts Vienna

General News

Viennese police have said a sniper is on the loose. Investigators reportedly suspect one person to be behind the various offences although they took place in three different districts of the city in the past days. Ten people were injured when they were hit by bullets fired with an air-powered weapon. Officials asked witnesses and […]

Police admit Islamic terror threat concerns


Terror experts consider Islamic extremism as the biggest threat to Austria in the medium term despite “vanishingly low” crime figures in this context. Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner announced she wanted to press on with introducing stricter anti-terror laws over the results of the latest Report on the Protection of the Constitution […]

Child porn doc caught

General News

An Upper Austrian doctor is accused of having molested a young patient. The man was arrested yesterday (Weds), local officials said today. They explained investigators became active after having received tip-offs accusing the medic of sexual abuse. Prosecutors in Wels announced that the general practitioner was accused of having produced pornographic images of children for […]

Robbers blow up cash machine

General News

Criminals may have escaped with thousands of Euros after blasting a cash terminal in Vienna-Favoriten this morning (Mon).Authorities in the federal capital said today that a woman living nearby called the police after she was woken up by the blast at around 3am. Policemen found the entrance of the Raiffeisen branch smashed and the cash […]

Building site theft damages amount to €15,000

General News

Damages of 15,000 Euros were caused by thieves who stole tools and cables from a construction site in Lower Austria, it has been reported.Police in St. Pölten said today (Fri) that clothing, computer equipment, tools, copper cables and other items were taken from the building site in the city in the night-time incident. They added […]

Vienna theft rate jumps

General News

The number of reported thefts in public places in Vienna has almost doubled year on year.Official figures presented today (Tues) show an increase from 4,978 offences in the first nine months of 2009 to 9,211 in the same period of this year. The number is expected to soar further in the current quarter as the […]