Wheelie bin sleeper injured by trash compactor

General News

A 26-year-old man was seriously injured in a trash compactor this morning (Mon).Viennese garbage collection authorities said workers halted the process when emptying bins in Donaustadt district after hearing the man’s screams.The resident of Vienna was dragged out of the rubbish truck with serious internal injuries and cuts.It has not been made clear why he […]

Woman mistakes disorientated drunk for burglar

General News

A Viennese woman called the police when a boozed-up reveller tried to enter her city centre apartment in the early hours of this morning (Mon).Officials in the capital announced the 22-year-old intruder was preliminarily arrested to clear up the incident. The man told officers after sobering up that he had been out all night on […]

Fare beats up taxi driver over smoking ban

General News

A drunk passenger has been arrested for attacking a taxi driver who pointed out that smoking was not permitted.The 48-year-old man ripped off the car’s rear-view mirror and punched the female cab driver into the face when she ordered him to extinguish his cigarette in St. Pölten, Lower Austria, this morning (Fri).The drunk, who has […]

Vorarlberg shaken by minor quake

General News

A slight earthquake occurred in Vorarlberg this morning (Mon), according to meteorologists.Vienna’s Centre for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) announced the quake occurred at the border between the western province and Liechtenstein at 4.50am.ZAMG said the eruption reached 1.7 on the Richter scale, adding that it did not expect any reports of damage.The incident comes around […]

Vintner’s skull crushed in wine press

General News

A Lower Austrian winemaker died in a freak worksite accident this morning (Weds).Langenlois police said the 46-year-old was found stuck in a wine press head first by his wife who heard his screams for help.Fire-fighters managed to free the vintner using hydraulic equipment, but he died in an ambulance en route to a clinic in […]

Kaltenbrunner fails at K2 once more as Swede dies


Austrian climber Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner has abandoned her attempt to scale K2 after a Swedish colleague fell to his death this morning (Fri).Kaltenbrunner, 39, was hoping to reach the top of the 8,611-metre mountain in the Pakistani-Chinese border region after five previously failed attempts over the past few years.Karl Gabl of the Austrian Centre for Meteorology […]

Austrian among Islamabad plane crash dead

General News

An Austrian businessman is among those killed in a plane crash in Pakistan earlier today (Weds).Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, a spokesman for the Austrian foreign ministry, said Mirko C. had lived in Göttingen, Germany, for some time. The 60-year-old Austrian-born had been working for a German company and had been on a business trip, Launsky-Tieffenthal added.A total […]

Fire at Russian Embassy this morning

General News

A fire broke out at the Russian Embassy in Vienna this morning (Thurs), it has been announced.Officials at the Landstraße district fire department said no one was injured by the blaze around 7am.Firemen quickly managed to extinguish the fire which broke out for unclear reasons.Experts are now set to investigate the site to find out […]

Lorry crashes into Schönbrunn park wall

General News

A traffic jam of several kilometres was caused when a lorry crashed into the walls of Vienna’s Schönbrunn Palace Gardens this morning (Thurs).Police said the driver got away with minor injuries after he came off the road and ploughed into a wall near Kennedy Bridge on the road towards the city centre shortly before 9am.Firemen […]

Old man’s body found in East Tyrol

General News

The body of an 88-year-old man was found lying in a stream this morning (Mon) in Dölsach, East Tyrol, police said.A search for the man, last seen alive on Saturday, had begun shortly after midnight.Police said he had probably slipped on an icy incline and plunged into the stream.