A renowned traffic planner has stressed that shop owners are generally appreciating the introduction of pedestrian zones. Hermann Knoflacher, who masterminded the reconstruction of the busy Kärntner Straße and other streets in the heart of Vienna into an area for pedestrians in the 1960s – told magazine profil: “The debate prior to the creation of […]
Tag: city
Salzburg tourism on the rise
The city of Salzburg is more popular than ever with tourists from all around the world new figures have shown. The figures from Salzburg tourist officials show that 12 per cent more tourists spent an overnight stay in Salzburg in April 2012 than in April 2011. To date the record year of Salzburg tourism was […]
Vienna road toll on the agenda again
The Vienna Greens are risking a coalition-internal conflict by calling for a city toll. Rüdiger Maresch, the leftist party’s traffic spokesman, said such a fee “is unavoidable on the long term”. Maresch underlined the city government’s ambition to slash fine dust levels, the volume of toxic emissions by cars and noise caused by traffic in […]
The designated chief of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) has called for an increase of the retirement age. Christian Keuschnigg, who is set to succeed Bernhard Felderer as head of the renowned research group next month, said such a measure would not cause an unacceptable amount of pressure on the Austrian social systems. Keuschnigg […]
Vassilakou ensnares Pirates
Vienna Greens Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou has appealed on the Austrian Pirate Party (PPÖ) to consider a partnership. Speaking to the Kurier, Vassilakou said her party “will approach those who fight for data protection and a democratic net”. She warned that the Austrian Greens would not cooperate with right-wing extremists. Vassilakou referred to developments in […]
Public swimming pools now open
The municipal open-air swimming pools in Vienna are now open after the long winter break. The price for a day of swimming has been raised from 4,70 to five Euro, but the city’s councils MA44 that runs the pools says it has invested in extra entertainment and sports possibilities for visitors. To encourage city inhabitants […]
SPÖ is up to date, says Schlögl
Former Social Democratic (SPÖ) Interior Minister Karl Schlögl has rejected claims that his party is in need of a new programme. Only 27 to 28 per cent of Austrians would elect the SPÖ at the moment, according to polls by Viennese research groups Karmasin and OGM. The left-wing party – which is headed by Werner […]
Oppitz-Plörer wins mayoral election
Innsbruck Mayor Christine Oppitz-Plörer has been confirmed in office. The head of Für Innsbruck (FI, For Innsbruck), a conservative list which was established by former People’s Party (ÖVP) officials, received 56 per cent in Sunday’s runoff election. Christoph Platzgummer, who ran for the ÖVP, was supported by only 44 per cent of participating residents of […]
Baths shut as temperatures sore
Vienna has notched up the hottest April on record and in the inner city on Saturday temperatures reached 29.4°C. The hot weather lured many people outside but anybody hoping for a dip in the capital would be disappointed – as regardless of the weather the city always keeps the pools closed until second of May. […]
Baumax opens 15th store in Romania
Building and DIY chain bauMax have opened a new superstore in Cluj (Klausenburg) in Rumania. Working together with Raiffeisen-Leasing the new location was built and opened the business after just a year of building time. The new store offers 15,000 m² and is the 15th store that the company has in Rumania including one that […]