Health Minister Alois Stöger has presented an initiative aimed at tackling young Austrians’ unfavourable nutrition habits. The Social Democrat (SPÖ) announced yesterday (Weds) school canteen managers will be provided with free brochures and further guidelines on how to provide a healthy and balanced range of snacks and drinks to kids. Around one in 10 Austrian […]
Tag: Austrians
The majority of Austrians are in favour of an expansion of abortion services. Conservative opinion leaders turned their guns on Social Democratic (SPÖ) Health Minister Alois Stöger earlier this month after he suggested state-funded clinics across the country should provide induced abortions. The left-wing politician claimed women were “not taken seriously” at the moment. Public […]
Seven in 10 back burka ban
A vast majority of Austrians want an anti-burka law, according to a new poll. Viennese public opinion agency Karmasin spoke with 500 Austrians to find that 71 per cent of them were in favour of such a law prohibiting wearing burkas in public places. Such veils cover women’s bodies expect a small gap for their […]
Farmers have appealed to customers to appreciate the high quality of food produced in Austria instead of complaining about high prices. The Chamber of Agriculture pointed out today (Thurs) Austria’s food quality and safety standards were much stricter than European Union (EU) regulations in many regards. The chamber also stressed that genetically manipulated products were […]
Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Maria Fekter has emphasised that private companies should get on board to rescue Greece. The cash-strapped Eurozone and European Union (EU) member state is seen on the brink of bankruptcy by a growing number of financial market experts. Many commentators fear the southern country will be unable to pay […]
Paltry interest in internet
Austrians are showing the least interest in going online among all European countries, a survey has shown. Austrian magazine profil reports Austrians surf the internet just 14 hours a month which is half the European average. People living in the Netherlands are at the top with 35.2 monthly internet hours. Britons come second (33.9 hours), […]
Austria’s biggest travel agency has revealed that bookings of trips to Greece are up despite the turmoil in the country. Hundreds of thousands downed tools and took to the streets in Athens and elsewhere in the Eurozone member to voice their disagreement with the government’s fiscal decisions. Greece has received hundreds of millions of Euros […]
Carinthian Summers
As an Alpine country with spectacular scenery Austria has always had an advantage in the tourism stakes. And with one in six people in the country earning their money from the tourism trade, Austria does not rest on its laurels with its vast natural wealth – walk through any alpine pasture and the variety of […]
Few Austrians own shares
The vast majority of Austrians have no interest in stocks, according to research. Pollster Imas found that 75 per cent of residents of the country had no intention to acquire shares. The survey also shows that just 13 per cent of Austrians hold participations in companies via shares and investment funds. The figure resembles results […]
Train travel less popular, study shows
Austrians took the train less often last year, new figures reveal. The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) announced today (Fri) that residents of the Alpine country covered 1,270 kilometres (km) by train in 2010, down from 1,297 km in the year before. This figure puts Austrians into a leading position in Europe. Only people living in […]