Powerful cars in high demand


An increasing number of Austrians is opting for high-performance cars despite climbing fuel prices.The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) announced today (Weds) that 31 per cent more sport utility vehicles (SUVs) were sold so far this year than in the same time span of 2010. The organisation added that car dealers look back on a 40 […]

Cycling campaign after bike garage fiasco


Tens of thousands of Vienna’s residents are cycling to work every day, according to a traffic research organisation.The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) announced today (Weds) that 34,000 of the city’s overall 1.7 million residents use their bikes to get to their workplaces.Now the capital’s coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the Green Party presented an […]

VW emission feud sparks legal action


Porsche Austria Holding GmbH (PH) has vowed to take the Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) to court as political leaders and non-government organisations (NGO) unite behind the traffic research group.PH announced it will sue VCÖ for providing allegedly incorrect data concerning carbon emission rates of Volkswagen (VW) models. PH, which is based in Salzburg, is part […]

More Austrians to cycle amid fuel price hikes


Around 25 per cent of Austrians are cycling each day or several days a week, according to a traffic information organisation.The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) said today (Mon) its research suggested that one out of four Austrians were cycling on a daily basis or more than once a week. The club said it expected this […]

Almost 6,000 natural gas vehicles in Austria


More than 300 natural gas cars were registered in Austria last year, it has been announced.Statistik Austria said today (Fri) that 333 gas-powered cars, 221 natural gas lorries and 48 buses equipped with natural gas engines were registered in 2010.The state agency explained these developments increase the overall number of natural gas vehicles in the […]

Emissions to rise as lorry traffic volume soars


Austria is moving further away from meeting agreed greenhouse gas emission limits as lorry traffic is on the rise.New figures presented by the Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) today (Thurs) show that the volume of lorry traffic on Austria’s busiest motorways increased year on year in 2010.The organisation, which examined road authority Asfinag’s annual data, said […]

Half of killed drivers are foreigners, study shows

General News

Almost one in two drivers killed on Austrian motorways are foreigners, new research has revealed.Traffic Club Austria (VCÖ) said today (Thurs) that 49 per cent of motorists who died on the country’s motorways during the past five years were foreigners. The independent traffic and transportation watchdog added that 44 per cent of people involved in […]

Austrian Traffic Club claims fine-dust pollution is higher than ever

General News

The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) warned today (Fri) that fine-dust pollution in Austria is higher than ever.It said pollution levels were highest in Vienna but also too high in Wiener Neudorf, Graz, Salzburg, Linz and Hall in Tirol.The club noted that 25 measurements exceeding acceptable levels were permissible annually but added there had already been […]

Vienna ‘cycling highway’ construction starts


Construction of a new “cycling highway” started in Vienna this morning (Fri).Work for the 3.5-kilometre path along the Wien river will cost 5.3 million Euros, city officials have said.The track – which hikers will also be allowed to use – will connect Hütteldorf train station in Vienna-Penzing and Kennedy bridge underground station in Hietzing district. […]

VCÖ deplores boom in SUV sales

Green Austria

By Lisa ChapmanThe Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) has criticised this year’s boom in registrations of gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles (SUVs).VCÖ said today (Weds) the number of registrations of SUVs had increased year on year by 22.5 per cent in 2009. There was an increase of only 8.0 per cent for all cars.It said the biggest […]