Russia and Austria sign major gas deal


A deal between Austria and Russia that will see gas being piped around Europe via Austria by 2017 has been signed by heads of two major gas companies. The news comes after the Russian gas giant Gazprom met in Vienna with Austrian partners last week, after which the company announced that they had agreed on […]

Austrian Airlines reopens flights to Iran


Flights to Tehran from Austrian Airlines have began again after a year’s interruption of the service following disputes over refuelling in Iran and economic sanctions. The airline will begin to fly again to the Iranian capital on 11th March, providing five weekly flights. The announcements comes as Europe and the US begin to lift sanctions […]

Pröll wants painful sanctions for ‘deficit sinners’


People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Josef Pröll has called for “rigid controls of, and painful sanctions for, Euro-zone deficit sinners.”Speaking before a meeting of Euro-zone finance ministers in Brussels on the Greek financial crisis today (Fri), he said that was the only way “to prevent such a situation from re-occurring.”The minister added that Austria would […]

Anger as Iranian Minister ignores Holocaust query


Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Manouchehr Mottaki failed to speak out about the Holocaust in Vienna yesterday (Sun).Mottaki met with Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger for talks in which Austria warned the Iranian regime of possible sanctions by the United Nations (UN) over the country’s controversial uranium enrichment programme.Asked by an Israeli journalist […]