Defibrillators network in Vienna


Only ten out of 100 people in Vienna survive a sudden cardiac arrest outside a hospital. The association “Puls” wants to establish a dense network of defibrillators in the city and thus increase the survival rate. Only eleven percent of the people, who suffer a cardiac arrest outside a hospital, survive this. In contrast, there […]

Tyrol lowest regional unemployment level in EU


In comparison to European regions, Tyrol and Salzburg have the lowest regional unemployment. Most unemployment occurs in the regions of Spain and Greece. Tyrol and Salzburg registered an unemployment rate 2.5 percent each in 2012. This was followed by four regions in Germany with 2.7 and 2.9 percent. Upper Austria and Styria are also among […]

Glaciers shrinking faster than ever

Green Austria

Austria’s glaciers shrunk last year faster than ever before according to the latest report by the countries mountain sports association the Alpenverein. Measurements carried out by a team of 20 experts showed that 97 percent of the ice giants had seen a significant shrinkage – with none of the 95 glaciers growing any larger – […]

Asset tax hike useless, says study


An increase of taxes on assets will not help lower the state debt, according to a survey. Researchers of Salzburg University – who cooperated with a tax consultant office to conduct their investigation – said yesterday (Weds) raising Austria’s comparably low taxation rate on assets would not significantly support the government in its current attempt […]

Warm weather lowers jobless rate


The latest labour statistic has dished up good and bad news for Austria’s lawmakers and employees. Around 360,500 people had no job last month, according to Statistik Austria. The agency said yesterday (Mon) this was a decline of 0.8 per cent compared to December 2010. It pointed out that the number of people sitting re-education […]

Austrian jobless rate lowest in EU


Austria remains Europe’s model pupil as far as unemployment rates are regarded. The country, which joined the European Union (EU) in 1995, had a jobless rate of 4.1 per cent in October, according to research by Eurostat. The agency carries out research for the European Commission (EC). Eurostat said today (Weds) Luxembourg registered the second-lowest […]

Vienna pledges €66mn U-Bahn deal


The Viennese government may have saved 300 jobs by ordering 20 new underground trains. Bombardier Austria boss Germar Wacker warned yesterday (Mon) his company would be put under immense pressure if the city kept delaying to express the confirmation of an assignment vital to its factory in Vienna-Donaustadt. He explained that the capital’s government intended […]

Austrians groan under high prices


Complaints by consumer protection groups that politicians should do more about “reckless” speculations triggering soaring foodstuff prices are unlikely to recede considering new inflation figures. Statistik Austria announced today (Thurs) Austrians had to fork out 3.3 per cent more on various products and services of daily life last month than in June 2010. It was […]

Vienna jobless rate shoots up


Viennese politicians and businesspeople have failed to reduce the city’s jobless rate. Official figures presented today (Fri) show that the number of unemployed people residing in the Austrian capital rose by 6.9 per cent. Overall, nearly 74,000 Viennese citizens were out of work this month. The Federal Labour Market Service (AMS) explained Vienna and Carinthia […]

Austria almost at top of EU rich list


Austria has been found to be among the European Union (EU) nations with the highest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Eurostat, the European Commission’s (EC) research and statistic agency, said today (Thurs) that Austria’s per capita GDP was 25 per cent higher than the EU average last year. The institution found the same rate […]