Hungarian/Croatian: new course material


Over 5,000 Burgenland school pupils studying Hungarian and Croatian will get new course materials from September. The materials were put together by teachers from across the region for the 5,018 students studying the languages and was developed in partnership with the language department of the Pedagogic College (Pädagogischen Hochschule) and ORF Burgenland. State school board […]

Congress hears how porn is now a global issue

General News

Watching pornographic material on the Internet is now a global addiction fuelled in recent years by a large number of people looking at X-rated material online while at work. That was the claim made at a congress examining medicine and therapies for sexual issues in Salzburg by a German expert at the weekend. Berlin-based Dr […]

Asamer takes the train as €8mn logistics centre opens


A construction material company awarded the “Sustainable Development Award 2010” will transport the vast amount of material produced at one of its plants via train.Manfred Asamer, head of Upper Austrian firm Asamer, said today (Weds) 80 to 90 per cent of the material won at the Roitham factory – or 180,000 tons of gravel – […]