Kampusch deserves €2mn compensation, says MP

General News

Greens MP Peter Pilz has claimed one to two million Euros was a “realistic” amount of financial compensation for kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch.The politician caused a stir some weeks ago by publishing top secret police files suggesting that authorities attempted to cover up investigation blunders into the abduction case.The documents show that investigators failed to […]

Police in hot water as MP reveals Kampusch interview protocols

General News

Leaked Natascha Kampusch police interview protocols seem to confirm that authorities attempted to cover up police blunders.Greens MP Peter Pilz, who published police documents regarding the abduction of Kampusch, said the top secret information was evidence of a scandal involving police and high-ranking politicians.The documents seem to confirm previous speculations that investigators failed to follow […]

‘No autographs’ Kampusch to present autobiography

General News

Natascha Kampusch has been criticised for stressing well ahead of the presentation of her autobiography that she will not provide any autographs.Michaela Bokon, manager of book chain Thalia’s Vienna-Landstraße shop where the 21-year-old will speak about “3,096 Tage” (3,096 Days) on 9 September, said today (Fri) Kampusch had made clear she would not sign her […]

Natascha Kampusch writes autobiography


“Cellar Girl” Natascha Kampusch is writing her autobiography, it has emerged.A spokesman for the 22-year-old confirmed today (Tues) that the book called “3096 Tage” (3,096 Days) will be released in September.Kampusch was kidnapped on her way to school in Vienna at the age of ten in 1998 and managed to escape the clutches of pervert […]

Winslet may play Kampusch, reports say


Kate Winslet is rumoured to star as Austrian cellar girl Natascha Kampusch in an upcoming movie.The Oscar winner is in the running for the main role in Bernd Eichinger’s new film, according to German showbiz magazines.”I am Sam” star Dakota Fanning and Karoline Herfurth – who starred in “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” – […]

‘Resident Evil’ producer to shoot Kampusch movie

General News

A famed German film producer is to bring the story of Natascha Kampusch to the big screen, it was announced yesterday (Thurs).Bernd Eichinger – who masterminded blockbusters such as “The Neverending Story”, “Resident Evil” and “Fantastic Four” – said he will team up with German journalist Peter Reichard whose TV documentary on Kampusch’s life in […]