Cellar Girl: Kampusch Dad Launches Book Naming Second Kidnapper

General News

The father of girl in the cellar Natascha Kampusch – locked in an underground dungeon and raped for for eight-and-a-half years – has written a book accusing her kidnapper’s best friend of being his accomplice. Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was snatched off the streets of Vienna and bundled into a van […]

Police in hot water as MP reveals Kampusch interview protocols

General News

Leaked Natascha Kampusch police interview protocols seem to confirm that authorities attempted to cover up police blunders.Greens MP Peter Pilz, who published police documents regarding the abduction of Kampusch, said the top secret information was evidence of a scandal involving police and high-ranking politicians.The documents seem to confirm previous speculations that investigators failed to follow […]

‘No autographs’ Kampusch to present autobiography

General News

Natascha Kampusch has been criticised for stressing well ahead of the presentation of her autobiography that she will not provide any autographs.Michaela Bokon, manager of book chain Thalia’s Vienna-Landstraße shop where the 21-year-old will speak about “3,096 Tage” (3,096 Days) on 9 September, said today (Fri) Kampusch had made clear she would not sign her […]