Luxury Sausages in Vienna

Culinary Guide

Sausage loving Austrians have gained a new treat in their culinary landscape after a gourmet sausage stand opened at Schwedenplatz. On the menu is the popular cheese sausage the Kasekrainer sold together with caviar and champagne. Cathedral chaplain Toni Faber blessed the new sausage stand and the man cooking up the menu was none other […]

Elton John’s adopted son listens to Led Zeppelin


Sir Elton John has revealed that he plays songs by rock legends Led Zeppelin to his son.The pop icon and his civil partner David Furnish adopted Zachary after he was born to a surrogate in December last year.Now the singer has spoken out about how the baby is being raised.”He has got his own iPod […]

One in three breast cancer deaths aged between 50 and 69

General News

Almost every third woman who dies from breast cancer is aged between 50 and 69, new figures show.State agency Statistik Austria announced today (Tues) that 510 of the 1,594 women who passed away from breast cancer in Austria last year were members of the high risk group of people at the age from 50 to […]

Howard Shore to get gong at Vienna film music gala


Canadian composer Howard Shore will be honoured in Vienna later this year as the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSO) is set to perform some of his most famous melodies in an upcoming gala.The famed composer will receive the Max Steiner Award – named after the late Viennese Hollywood score composer (“King Kong”, “Casablanca”) – as […]