Beach volleyball venue pic on sale for 3million


The chance to own the earliest recorded image of the 260-year-old London landmark that was a backdrop to the Olympic beach volleyball games is being offered by a Vienna auction house. The image of the New Horse Guards building taken from St. James’s Park and painted by Venetian master Canaletto is veray similar to a […]

Horse on the run in Salzburg

General News

Salzburg’s inner-city seemed to resemble something a bit closer to the wild West recently after a horse scared by a swarm of insects that appeared suddenly, managed to break free from its coach and galloped off through the cobbled streets. The horse managed to run over 6 km before it was finally caught by police […]

Break-in at tack shop

General News

Police are investigating after horse-riding equipment worth tens of thousands of Euros had been stolen from a shop in Lower Austria.Officials in Lassee in the district of Gänserndorf said today (Weds) unidentified burglars made off with horse tacks and various other items from the store on Monday night.The stolen items are worth around 60,000 Euros, […]

Farm servant jailed for fraud

General News

A farm labourer has been sentenced to three years in jail for defrauding several businesspeople.A jury court in Graz, Styria, heard yesterday (Thurs) how the 40-year-old man tricked a car dealer, a horse farm manager and a hotel boss out of 80,000 Euros overall.The defendant from Tyrol, who was previously convicted for various felonies, pleaded […]

Tougher Vienna horse carriage law ahead


People offering tours through the city centre of Vienna in horse carriages must brace for stricter regulations as the provincial government agreed to reform existing laws.The government coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the Green Party said today (Mon) that the entrepreneurs running the service – which is popular with tourists – will face  fines […]

More checks as Fiaker horse dies

General News

Vienna city hall chiefs have promised to increase the number of checks on Fiaker horse carriage drivers after a Wallach horse died at a tourist hotspot in the heart of the capital.The six-year-old animal collapsed and perished at the Heldenplatz Square on Sunday – just a stone’s throw from the Hofburg Palace which features the […]

Tourist killed by bolting horse

General News

A French woman suffered fatal head and chest injuries when a bolting horse charged into her on Saturday, it has emerged.Officials in Hinterglemm, Salzburg, said today (Mon) the 73-year-old – on holiday with her husband – died in an ambulance on its way to a nearby clinic after the dramatic incident.Police said the 16-year-old Haflinger […]

Garden party for the Queen


The British Embassy in Vienna helped to celebrate the official birthday of Queen Elisabeth II with a garden party at the official residence of the British ambassador Simon Smith this week.This year was the Queen’s 84th official birthday which is celebrated throughout the Commonwealth often on slightly different days – and is not to be […]

Unmanned horse carriage bolts in Vienna

General News

Two cars were damaged after an unmanned fiaker horse carriage bolted in the city centre last night (Sun).Police in the capital said today the two horses ran off in front of the Albertina museum after their driver popped off to get them some food.A passing car startled them, causing them to bolt, and the quick-thinking […]

‘Fest der Pferde’ show jumping is history


There will be no more editions of the “Fest der Pferde” (Horse Festival) show jumping tournament, it has been announced.Organiser Peter Nidetzky said today (Weds) the decision to close the show, which would have celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, was based on soaring costs and the departure of several important sponsors.He explained it had […]