Tougher Vienna horse carriage law ahead


People offering tours through the city centre of Vienna in horse carriages must brace for stricter regulations as the provincial government agreed to reform existing laws.The government coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the Green Party said today (Mon) that the entrepreneurs running the service – which is popular with tourists – will face  fines […]

More checks as Fiaker horse dies

General News

Vienna city hall chiefs have promised to increase the number of checks on Fiaker horse carriage drivers after a Wallach horse died at a tourist hotspot in the heart of the capital.The six-year-old animal collapsed and perished at the Heldenplatz Square on Sunday – just a stone’s throw from the Hofburg Palace which features the […]

Tourist killed by bolting horse

General News

A French woman suffered fatal head and chest injuries when a bolting horse charged into her on Saturday, it has emerged.Officials in Hinterglemm, Salzburg, said today (Mon) the 73-year-old – on holiday with her husband – died in an ambulance on its way to a nearby clinic after the dramatic incident.Police said the 16-year-old Haflinger […]