Kapsch and Bartenstein battle for IV top post, reports claim


Georg Kapsch is rumoured to follow Veit Sorger as president of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).Business newspapers report today (Weds) that the head of IT firm Kapsch TrafficCom AG has the best chances of heading the body. Sorger’s term only ends in around two years, but the institution is allegedly interested in clarifying the […]

WU remains closed after fire

General News

Vienna’s University of Economics and Business (WU) remains shut due to technical problems after a blaze broke out at its transformer room last Monday.WU bosses had planned to reopen the institution for lectures today (Weds), but technicians failed to restore its energy supply last night.Officials said the fire caused only minor damage, adding that all […]

Rosenkranz campaign event ends early ‘due to Socialist demo’


Freedom Party (FPÖ) presidential candidate Barbara Rosenkranz ended a campaign event in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, early after she felt “disturbed” by demonstrating young Socialists.FPÖ MP Bernhard Themessl said the party’s stand was “barricaded” by the demonstration of the Socialistic Youth, a youth organisation of the governing Social Democrats (SPÖ).Dornbirn police however said about yesterday’s (Weds) incidents […]

ÖVP and Greens end presidential election candidate rumours


Both the People’s Party (ÖVP) and the Greens announced yesterday (Thurs) they would not nominate their own candidate in the upcoming presidential elections.Lower Austrian ÖVP Governor Erwin Pröll recently made clear he would not run for the post. The announcement was preceded by weeks of speculation since the governor is regarded as the only possible […]

Wifo expert calls for new state social aid system

General News

Vienna think tank the Institute for Economic Research (Wifo) has called for a new state social aid system with “productive elements.”Wifo expert Alois Guger said today (Thurs) social infrastructure providing for care of the aged and children was more important than financial aid to individuals.Vienna Social Democratic (SPÖ) social councillor Sonja Wehsely added that provision […]

Number of VIA’s passengers up in January


The number of passengers at Vienna International Airport (VIA) rose by 4.1 per cent year on year to 1,203 million in January 2010, the airport reported today (Thurs).VIA added that the number of passengers with Middle Eastern destinations had gone up by 11.3 per cent and the number with Western European destinations had risen by […]

Greens to decide on presidential candidate this month


The Greens are to decide on whether or not to nominate a presidential candidate this month, party leader Eva Glawischnig revealed today (Tues).She said: “There are still contrary opinions within the party over the issue,” adding that the opposition party would make a decision at a meeting of its federal board on 19 February.Presidential elections […]