American clocked at 280 kph

General News

Police seized the licence of a motorist who was caught bombing along at 280 kilometres per hour (kph) on a motorway in Upper Austria.The US American citizen was also issued with an undisclosed fine for breaching the 130 kph speed limit on the A1 western motorway near Oberwand in his Aston Martin sports car on […]

Slovak speeder stopped in Salzburg

General News

A 24-year-old Slovak driver was caught going nearly twice as high as the speed limit on a motorway in Salzburg.The man was stopped by a police car after a radar trap flashed him driving at 230 kilometres per hour (kph) on the A1 western motorway near Eugendorf this morning (Mon). The general speed limit on […]

Gale-force winds warning

General News

Meteorologists have announced a gale warning for many parts of Austria.Experts at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) said today (Fri) winds raging at around 100 kilometres per hour (kph) registered in mountainous areas of the province of Styria last night. They added storms of a similar scale are likely to hit Lower […]

BMW almost 120 kph over speed limit

General News

Police in Burgenland are investigating against a driver from Hungary for doing more than 200 kilometres per hour (kph).Officials in Oberwart said today (Mon) the BMW was caught travelling at 218 kph near Schachendorf by a radar trap on a 100 kph limit main road yesterday. Austrian police have already contacted their colleagues in bordering […]

Farmer gets 155 kph tractor speeding fine

General News

A Lower Austrian farmer has vowed not to pay a fine of 60 Euros after allegedly breaking the speed limit – on his tractor.Andreas K. from Schönberg am Kamp told newspapers today (Tues) he received a postal notification saying a vehicle registered under the licence plate of his tractor was caught driving 155 kilometres per […]

Half of killed drivers are foreigners, study shows

General News

Almost one in two drivers killed on Austrian motorways are foreigners, new research has revealed.Traffic Club Austria (VCÖ) said today (Thurs) that 49 per cent of motorists who died on the country’s motorways during the past five years were foreigners. The independent traffic and transportation watchdog added that 44 per cent of people involved in […]

Wide support for car-free Mariahilfer Straße


Plans to turn Mariahilfer Straße, one of Vienna’s most popular shopping streets, into a pedestrian area would be well received, a poll has shown.More than six in 10 (60.3 per cent) readers of the Austrian broadcaster ORF’s news website back such an idea, whereas around 35 per cent oppose it. Votes are still coming in […]

Boozy duo stopped after hit and run offence

General News

Two pals face traffic charges after forcing police into a wild street chase following a hit and run crash.Officials in the city of Salzburg said today (Weds) a 21-year-old drink driver called up his friend after steering into two parked cars last night.The 24-year-old – who was also found to be over the legal limit […]

More new drivers last year

General News

The number of people passing driving licence examinations edged up year on year in 2009, it has been reported.Statistik Austria announced today (Thurs) that 90,100 people had received licences to drive cars last year, three per cent more than in the previous year.The state agency added that most licences had been handed out in Lower […]